Nepotism kills Guilds

For those who don’t know Nepotism basically means giving preferential treatment to family and friends. We all know at least one guild or another that are guilty of this. For those who do this you gotta think you are a guild master you have a responsibility to all of those sporting your guild name. If you’re in a raid or whatever where a guildie and your friend/family member rolls for loot and the friend/family member loses the roll then complains you don’t ignore the guildie and give the loot to your friend/family member, you tell them to pipe the hell down and give your guildie his well earned loot. All that breeds is de-motivation, resentment, a loss of talent, all an all a toxic environment and that is unacceptable. As I said you have a responsibility to all your guildies not just your “Inner circle” if you can’t handle that then you shouldn’t lead a guild.


Favortism in general.

There’s also the famously ubiquitous Healer Girlfriend who gets raid spots despite being terrible.


Nepotism is extremely normal in most cultures. In some, it’s a prime directive.

I agree with you, nepotism plus guilds doesn’t work. Neither in WoW, nor in the long run IRL.


It’s a slow death but death none the less.

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I mean. Humans are social. Folks are kinda built to form lil groups. It happens.


That’s no excuse.


I’m just saying the base cause of your issue. Lil hard to shut that down when its baked into our dna.

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Make a nepotism free guild


I’m in a guild that’s like 80% family members (Not my family). They’ve always treated me like one of them, so it depends on the kind of people you’re playing with.


As always. There’s no single description that fits every guild.


No but many some would say too many are guilty of it.

Then leave the guild and move on.


A healthy nepotism is good for society.


People tend to forget that guilds are rarely democracies, they’re dictatorships. I am just a very benevolent tyrant and let my subjects vote and have input.


Hardly as fun as making a mess on the way out. I recall having a emotionally immature gm break down. Kept chiding him telling him to calm down as he was throwing a tantrum having his own argument fed back to him.

He was enraged I called him out for taking his favorite over a better player. Sure once you do that your done in the guild but was amusing enough to be worth it.

Lotta people who try to play with people really are not very good at it.

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I dunno man. Too much energy for rather just find somewhere I gel, and not worry about that.

Don’t get me wrong. I see the appeal.


Usually I do that but the guy had the emotional spectrum of a movie bank teller most of the time. Couldn’t help it. He actually brought up how he didnt wanna be my friend during my roosting of him.

Nearly burst out laughing. Sadly he brought in a officer for it I actually enjoyed being around and put her on the spot trying to crawl back credibility. Only part of it I feel kinda bad for.

I’ve seen romantic partnerships cause more guild drama than nepotism ever did in my experience…


Even when the guild is nothing but family and friends, you still have to avoid favoritism.

I watched an aunt years ago play favorites with her kids and destroy her own family.
Favoritism ruins most everything it touches.