Nepotism kills Guilds

And then you get the speech of how she “earned” it.

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My guild has been together nearly 20 years. But we’ve gone mostly chill social now. When we get new members, there are the inside jokes to explain too, but we inundate them with so much happy love and hanging out that I sometimes fear they’ll leave just from being smothered with excitement from our guildies. :rofl:

It’s like, “OMG NEW PERSON!”

dogpile of love and help


I think we do the same… we are so afraid of making someone feel excluded we go above and beyond to loop them in. We also dont recruit much as we really dont lose folks.

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This is actually what killed my last guild. To make a long story short old GM left due to real life issues, came back after almost two years and demand we run him, his kids, and new wife through Firelands for the staff. At that point we were trying to progress in Dragonsoul and people did not have time for Firelands nor did they want to stop raiding Dragonsoul. He said we owed it to him and that our raid lead at the time should have been happy to still be in the guild with his “lifestyle”.

It was such a good guild before all of that. :sob:

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Oof, that’s when the officers core leaves and forms a new guild.


We tried but that really did a number on people. Having to start over from nothing, after all the hard work. People stop playing or joined a friends guild.

The very definition of a guild lol

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You are not entitled to anyone else’s time, especially in a hobbyist community.

Cliques happen. If you’re going to be a bellyacher about attention being paid to you or not, you should leave guilds that don’t fit you. The group you enter isn’t mandated to disband or change. Perhaps they functioned before you, but maybe they’re doomed. Leave the ship if you think it’s sinking.

The modern WoW player is more empowered than ever to pursue “good enough” loot with or without a guild, this is intentional. If you don’t like a guild’s vibe, leave. That whole “not entitled to another’s time” goes both ways. Pursue happiness, it’s a game.


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I’ve been in the anti-nepotism type of groups where the family members “fight” to NOT take gear wanting everyone else to get the good stuff first before them. I think just like jobs or IRL group hobbies though, the onus is on the individual to do due diligence to make sure any groups they are joining as the “outsider” is going to treat them fairly or at least make terms known in advance and then stand up for themselves or even leave if that trust gets broken or abused.

And let’s be realistic and admit that most anyone is going to prioritize their own “family” over random strangers. Like when I run a dungeon with friends or connections and I get a drop I don’t want, there is exactly a 0% chance a random pugger is getting my drop over the person I know if they also want it and I absolutely expect the same to happen to me if it was reversed.

Is it nepotism if all my guildmates are all related to me because they are all me?


Family and friends are all thats left in my guild now. Some left and came back. The other people left during SL never to return.

I’ve been in two of these guilds.

Was in a guild where the officer core was made up of couples. Never again. Every time we lost one, we’d lose the pair. Every time they had a fight, they’d air it out in guild chat. If you tried to point out any favoritism, they’d all unite against you. It was like dealing with a home owner’s association.


Hey, when my wife says “Give me that piece of gear or no boom-boom tonight”, I give her that piece of gear.


Unfortunately, NOT practicing nepotism can lead to crappy consequences as well.

Back in Cata, I led a retro raiding guild. We locked XP at each xpac’s max level, and did the raids before unlocking and moving to the next xpac. We had very strict rules about what gear to use for raiding, specifically no PvP gear, and no gear from the following xpacs. Also, we weren’t interested in rushing through dungeons; we took our time, let the tank pull, and let everyone do their part and enjoy the ride.

My much younger cousin wanted to join us, but first he gave me crap about wanting to just use PvP gear to raid. When we wouldn’t let him do that, he then wanted to just pull for the tank in dungeons and blast through everything to make it all faster, and our best tank wasn’t having it and neither was I.

I told him we were happy to have him if he wanted to follow the rules, but that if he didn’t want to do that, he could just move on, because I wasn’t going to let him piss of our best tank because of his desired playstyle. He left, and we mostly haven’t spoken since, so 12+ years. It is what it is.

Players can choose to roll however they want. Everyone is agreeing to pass, it’s whatever. Customer Support won’t step in if someone else chooses to roll on something though

So we all agree, Bronny James Jr. has no business being in the NBA.

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I think it’s important to talk about loot rules and or loot council beforehand…. Like if a group doesn’t, I get a little iffy ( sometimes the group is chill but usually they quit or it devolves into something else :eyes:). Loot rules are important tbh. :palms_up_together:

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It sure do. Underperforming friends of officers or the gm getting prio raid spots ad/or loot ca cause some issues.

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