Sometimes its DPS girlfriend who parses grey, but gets carried on prog nights anyways.
Yep it all comes down to whether you can seperate your personal feelings for the good of the team.
A bad example is a high school QB who always throws to his best friend even though he stinks.
A good example is that same QB deciding to throw to the best receiver in the team, even though that receiver stole his girlfriend last month.
If a raid leader brings unqualified people because he likes them that’s fine from a fun perspective for them but it will hurt the success rate.
I was in a guild,i would lose out on loot to the guild masters wife,quit real quick and left with a few choice words
Like every “good” (aiming for CE) uses rclootcouncil, so preferential treatment is mostly masked.
While treating people as outcasts lead to bad outcomes, solely favoring skill as the only element does too.
Revolving door of players doesn’t make for a successful guild.
all the more reasons why I’m living the guildless life.
It can at a certain critical mass… issue is you have to more or less be top 100 maybe even top 50 for it to work.
Most of the guild that use " skill" go blindly off percentiles and are unable to read logs. I have legit seen someone getting two power infusions and a rotation of blessing of seasons being held up as out performing another person barely below him on dps…
In my experience, recruiting, it’s always the people who have “LF guild/friends” in their TRP that are the bad actors and most asocial or even just straight up anti-social.
I imagine so… I know a lot of people don’t get that me being in a guild with them doesnt make us friends… we raid together thats it.
We might become friends but its not the driving force for my involvement in the guild. It sounds cold but its more like being on a sports team. Guild list and friends list don’t usually overlap to much.
I remember such a clique in heroic raiding where when I joined I asked about alts and they said they were a “mains” guild.
I joined and raided with my main and left my alt.
As we cleared AOTC the DH who was friend with GM asked if he could switch to warrior since his DH was fully geared… as we were going to do the first mythic bosses. (note that not everyone was done gearing, so now his alt would compete with other mains)
GM allowed it so we were carrying and gearing his warrior in heroic and early mythic…
On the flip side of this anecdote, in nearly 20 years of being in prog guilds, running raids with other guilds and running my own guild… I haven’t actually run into this myself. From my perspective, this isn’t common, but I also haven’t raided with guilds on Normal servers. So maybe there’s a factor there.
I watched an entire guild fall apart and never recover because of this.
Master Loot has been gone for years.
Can you provide an example that is relevant to today’s retail WoW?
Loot rules are important to me, established before the run begins and never deviated upon once the group has agreed to them and the run has begun, or I’m out.
It’s a pretty solid line in the sand for me.
Nearly every CE guild uses masterlooter. There is a widely used addon that auto passes all loot then its traded from the masterlooter.
How does that not violate the TOS/CoC?
Just further proof mythic raiding is toxic.
Now,now we have our own rules and our own governance. I assure you in most cases its perfectly fine.
It’s not against the CoC as far as I know.
I don’t see how having loot rules that are established before the run begins is toxic, it’s not a surprise that’s sprung on anyone.
I don’t like master looter personally, so I don’t join raids that use it.
I don’t think so though, you still need some form of stability rather than just swapping out anyone, the moment someone else parses higher applies.
More than likely, these guilds have a core group of players that won’t be swapped out.
RC Loot Council is the one my guild uses. Generally, in this field, crying about loot going to DPS/Non-apps is more seen than nepotism.
As a tank, I’m the last to get loot. It’s a harsh life. By this point in the season so much loot has dropped from reclears I eventually got full BIS. At the end of the day I know why DPS get loot over me first. The point is to keep reclearing, as CE for normies will take many reclears. That goes for me, and that goes for apps. Apps generally are less trustworthy, and nothing feels worse than giving an app loot(over a main raider) and having them leave. Your guild literally becomes weaker when this happens. This is why most guilds use lootmaster, to ward away opportunist apps that would otherwise take advantage of the systems and talent a guild has accrued.
And the health of the guild is more important than butthurt lootmongers. If you can’t stomach reclears why should any guild trust you with loot immediately? It really makes it sound like you’re there to take the first piece of gear you see and bounce, and guilds are aware of these types by this point in time.
My guild is OLD. Many of us have been playing together for years. I try to vet potential guild members by allowing them in our Discord. “Thee Cesspool” channel will normally scare off anyone that wouldnt work out anyway.
The challenge has been the inside jokes we have collected over the years from our yearly meetup shenanigans. Getting a new member up to speed on all of it so they dont feel left out is … a lot of history to go over.
Yes and no… just at that level you have the critical mass to always have competitive spots. Ive seen it done both ways.