NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

I felt good about burning it. If this is true, I feel bad.


If true that is exceptionally sloppy and downright filthy/disgusting.

There needs to be outcry over it.


You are not heroic, you are just random desert rats. Sure, not evil, but no heroes either.


Says the Eredar. You guys go demonic if a Warlock so much as farts in your direction.

“Every soldier has nightmares.”
“Only one who is ashamed of what he has done.”
“You have no idea what I’ve done.”

says the orc whom huffed warlock farts thus turning green and vile.


Those are man’ari though.

That is such an awesome movie.

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Teldrassil was an inside job, wake up sheeple!
Blizzard is just setting the record straight!


Catapult’s with fire can’t melt steel roots.


It is, but it’s too bad that line is nonsense. It sounds pretty, though.

Not quite. Back in WoD, even Draenai that followed Velen into exile were turning demonic when they got half a chance and weren’t supervised.

Please, I don’t care the flavor of evil as long as I get to be it. I hate being forced into being hero.

If they actually carry through on that, you know the next step is painting Sylvanas as a Saint and it was other people ordering the spread of the plague and everything. they’ll even try and retcon the mokgara, making it out like he was the one cheating. etc, etc, etc.

If they’re that stupid, they’re going to lose a lot of alliance subs. which will do even more damage to pvp than has already been done.


I wonder where all the Horde white knights who love arguing over the consistency of “lore” (when it’s convenient for their blood elf arguments) are now


The sargerei yes, they were contcted by the legion and turned into man’ari.

I’ve said it before, they don’t care about alliance subs. But I wonder how their horde mech is going to fare. Perhaps sylvanas merch sells enough to otusell everything else.


Ahhh so when someone asks about Teldrassil this will be Blizzard’s response now?


Im much more bothered with the forsaken getting anduined than the teldrassil thing.
You left the comforts of Silvermoon City to find power and greatness within Azeroth, like many blood elves before your people, the blood elves, have persevered through tragedy and betrayal. You toil to ensure Azeroth never endures such suffering again.
“As one of the undead Forsaken, you have been reanimated by dark magic. Though shunned by the living, you tirelessly strive to protect them.”
Though the orcs came to Azeroth as conquerors, your kind has shed the blood thrives for adventure, and you seek to prove your strength and honorirsty ways of old and now stand in defense of your new home.
You are a partsoldier of the powerfulmighty Horde, a united group of disparate races seeking to carve their own path within Azerothdiverse band of races from across Azeroth who fight for freedom and honor.
Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity.

who ARE you people and what have you done with my savage outcast faction??


well if they want PvP to function, they kind of need a balanced population. And if they do things like this, all they’ll accomplish is driving off pissed off Alliance players. I’m sure there will be horde players just as upset over this poorly handled white wash, but the majority that’ll be outraged will be alliance.


Old Horde I guess is officially dead and gone. Which isn’t surprising as I think blizz has shown they really can’t make the old horde out to not be anything but the “bad guys” for the alliance to beat up back to the status quo.

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Ok … maybe it’ll be questionable who gets more pissed off. I mean, that’s just sickening levels of white washing. Trying to rewrite your entire history to make you look squeaky clean? Yeah, whitewashing like that never ends well.


Not just Teldrassil, but if this is true they may be trying to erase the fact that BFA and many prior events even happened, gonna be hard though seeing as we START in Kul’tiras…