NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

they should just get rid of the entire war of thorns as nothing more than a delusion by N’zoth at this point. Have Tyrande be really angry because Sylvanas said her shoulders looked ‘manly’ or something.


So… is this WOW 2 that some people wanted?


Is not really about telling them what happened with Teldrassil, at least for the horde intro, but Blizz could at least recognize their faction did an oopsie. Maybe say “Though forsaken have delivered a lot of damage to the world under the bad guidance of the Banshee Queen, now they strive to protect it and the living” instead of making them the big victims and heroes.

As for the BFA part, they could at least mention it if they are removing the intro quests.

SL writers apparently.


“Are you sure bro? The entire tree bro? I’m just saying that sounds like a lot”

“Catapult fires can’t burn down world trees!”


I mean…do they think we won’t forget? Or that there’s not a bunch of YouTubers with videos of the cut scene of it being burned down? Are they going to scrap that cut scene? I just…my brain hurts.


But imagine if trebuchets were used. They can launch 90 kg objects over 300m.

they can’t, Anduin clearly did 9/1… war of thorns

I can see it now, a Night Elf and a Forsaken gonna open up a falafel stand in Darkshore. So sweet.

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Well, it was a thought lol
Probably for the alpha they didn’t bother using the right version I guess

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300m isn’t very far considering the tree was miles off shore lol.


I had nothing to do with what happened at Teldrassil. It was all the mean banshee lady’s fault. And yes I named my evil…er… Plaguebat…err…Protect-the-Living-Bat “Batty”

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So the Alliance gets Shafted again
Good job blizzard :sweat_smile:


How did the Horde not win the war? The Horde has intercontinental ballistic catapults!


Seems right to me, I mean the world is still maggoty with those dirty hippies.

I’m not sure this is a retcon unless all mentions of the tree are removed. The tree is mentioned multiple times while questing and in cut scenes. The only thing I get from this is Blizzard’s poor attempt at trying not to confuse new players right out of the gates. They’ll let them get confused as hell later on while leveling lol.


red shirt guy is saying ALL horde races, with the exception of tauren and goblin, had their initial speech remade to sound more heroic…this is silly…we are and will always be the misfits…the rejects, and the men who use scrunchies. (yes, you).
Sure, we vulpera have a pretty heroic starting line, but…i was fine with the rest of you being the rest of you.


It’s all about the new players. They won’t even be allowed to visit Teldrassil until they complete all the endgame content. They might not even know it exists.

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I’m all for making new player experience more streamlined and less confusing overall, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of the overall game story.


We did. We just fooled Anduin into thinking “We’re sowwy.”

Killed a bunch of Nelves, Set Teldrassil on fire, Set Stormwind on fire, screwed over Darkshore and invaded Stramgarde. And finally, we get off scott free as Baine apologizes for those of us who gleefully followed Sylvanas. I mean, come on, who didn’t spill the beans that Thrall and Jaina were there to save Baine to that Dark Ranger. Nope it was all Sylvanas’s fault and we’re good. I am sorry though…that we didn’t turn Derek into a blight bomb!