NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

It’s a tree the size of a mountain, visible from many miles away. Anyone who ends up in Kalimdor is gonna see that and ask “What happened to that big tree?” “Oh, that? Yeah, the horde army herded the majority of the night elf population in there and set it on fire.”

Is Blizzard seriously trying to whitewash their own god damn writing?

This is so. god. damn. stupid.


hard to deny that charred black mass off coast, but it’d be interesting depending how they retcon this, and more importantly, for what reason.

It shall fuel a lot of forum qq and youtube videos…pun intended.

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Wow, Blizzard is now a denier!

Never forget!!!


Just because there’s no mention of it, doesn’t mean it didnt happen.


“That’s a bingo!”



Deliberately removing existing references to it is an attempt to deny it happened. Yall being deliberately obtuse


I wonder if it just goes back to how it was before. Old Teldrassil instead of the new burnt painting off the coast.

It really is. As bad as it was, you don’t try to pretend something like this didn’t happen. Teldrassil was a huge, world changing event. You just… don’t.


I think they are trying to set up a new player’s pov of a naive young undead trying to find his place in the world while having blinders on so you don’t notice the decaying, burned husks of millions basking int he moonlight enacted by the faction you serve.

You are an upstanding forsaken youth. Pay no attention to the news. For the Horde!


op what discord is that and is it public? red shirt guy is there, i gotta ask him to vouch for dwarves on the horde.

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the plus side is the forsaken were never edgelords that hated the living but rather carebears so concerned with those who aren’t cursed with their affliction of undeath they’d strive to improve the world for them. Vis-a-vis this revelation the Scarlet Crusade most certainly did nothing wrong in wanting to wipe them out, the Forsaken should embrace their own extinction for the betterment of all living beings and I expect the storyline to be full of Forsaken NPCs gladly dying for good so that living beings be continue to do so on both sides of the faction divide.


It grew back?

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That’s a tweeter screenshot.

Does this mean they are going to get rid of the darkshore warfront in Sl? I mean if they are retconning it might as well remove any trace of it too. if so then thats REALLY stupid.

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not even hair grows back that fast lady

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I doubt it, they may just be trying not to overwhelm people.

“What’s with the giant burnt tree?”

“Well…” drops an entire encyclopedia on new player

“And after Space Satan stabbed the desert noone wanted, magical rocks that everyone wanted appeared and then the Extraneous Spikes Alliance killed the tree hippies in a mass slaughter”


“It’s the Night Elf homeland and Horde burnt it down” isn’t an encyclopedia


wow this big new! bilzz why are you doing all this??

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Someone missed the entirety of BFA.