NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

are you like a feminist who hates underdog guys then?? WTF, way to suck up to the establishment.

The alliance suck they lost Teldrassil. That’s all I have to say for Horde Pride.

To further belittle Alliance players and morale. They can commit genocide and then sweep it under the rug.
They would never do that to the horde.

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Only because wow devs (who write the plot) main horde and they can’t help themselves.


And in doing so wounded their own interests as well. See: Saurfang’s rebellion, as well as any aid from the Cenarion Circle.

Tauren as a people should have rioted in the streets of Orgrimmar after that stunt, honestly.


To play devil’s advocate … Blizzard has put fake info into the data files before. Just to annoy dataminers.

However, between what was datamined and people referencing actual discussions among alpha testers … this is something they’re considering taking live.

Which to pull off will require a lot of revisionism. And historical revisionism always has issues. Because someone somewhere forgets to erase critical details.

Also, historical revisionism and the negative connotations is talked about in 1984. The Ministry of Truth.

It’s ok to add to certain details to history. That DOES happen often enough. New facts come to light. Makes us look at old details about history in a new light.

But to try and cover up and gloss over things to make them hold less weight … that’s just revisionism.

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The Tauren are smarter than that, most of them are smarter than Baine. They know the alliance are enemies too.

Also, if we’re talking cities, the Alliance brought down Lordaeron in the face of Horde might, and successfully sacked Orgrimmar twice.

Maybe not mess with Team Blue for a bit until there’s no more existential crises trying to unravel the literal fabric of reality?

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The alliance brought down Lordaeron, yeah and doubled the Forsaken numbers! Thanks to the blighted alliance.

Those skeletons were Forsaken? Pretty sure Sylvie was auditioning for Lich Queen status at that point.

I don’t care about Sylvanas and she didn’t actually have the Horde’s best interest, but blighting humans always helps the Horde cause.

Sylvanas was the Horde Warchief! As appointed by Vol’jin, whom was appointed by Thrall after his first oopsie with Garrosh.

Like, she owned the Horde at that point.

Well new players cannot participate in the war of thorns, nor would they understand its significance going into the general questing experience of BFA.

There is literally an entire quest chain in Shadowlands following Tyrande in her search for answers from Elune on why she abandoned her people during aformentioned event.

Also, people have always had to look up information from third party sources if they wanted to learn about the game’s lore. This has never not been the case.

Please for the love of god, stop directly comparing this to real life tragedies. This is a video game.

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Come on Anduin can’t even live up to his Daddy cuz he’s too soft. so you’ve got alliance king who is a bully and then an alliance king who is a weak alliance sympathizer.

They were the best examples of exactly what Blizzard is doing with Teldrassil.

Teldrassil is an in-game massacre that is being censored to future eyes.

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So we had one bad Warchief named Sylvanas. Garrosh was great and you’ve had two terrible kings.

It’s. Not. Real.

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Huh? What’s Anduin got to do with anything? And for the record, when it comes to AvH, any time a Wrynn shows up to the party, the Horde has lost. SoO, Lordaeron, Sylvie at Org.

Rivalry is fine, and even fun, but outright warfare at this point is, again, horrifically stupid. Remember Broken Shore’s intro, where the Alliance and Horde squadrons were competing with each other about the boss kill and their performance against a threat to Azeroth? THAT was fun. I didn’t want to lose that rivalry, but I wasn’t about to kill the Alliance to win. After all, they were helping me, and I was helping them!


Well, i’m a true Horde warrior, I guess then. if the alliance are going to win, something needs to change, by any means necessary.

I thought it was Activision that bought Blizzard and not