NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

What is the Alliance going to win here? Zandalar is Horde territory. Weakened yes, but still Horde nontheless. We traded navies when Azshara got frisky, and N’zoth was a joined-arms threat. Sylvanas is hated by both factions, and the threat from the Shadowlands is one that the whole of Azeroth needs to face.

Again, what’s the Alliance winning here that Horde doesn’t also benefit from?


I don’t care if we are talking Old Horde invasion of Lordaeron or New Horde freedom from slavery. The Humans ain’t nothin and gotta get their asses kicked.

Ok? And is there a rule to comparing fictional events to similar real life events for clarity?

I’m not trying to moral high road anyone, i’m just pointing out the very close similarities of events.

Eh… they really should make it so we wake up from some global scale nzoth fever dream and that the events of BfA was all an attempt at mass halucination.

Basically… Dallas the shoddy story of BfA because there is no way they can reconcile the hot mess without having bloody escalation and a mutual war of annihilation between the Alliance and Horde.

They killed Rastakhan those buggers, but you are right, the alliance do sometimes help the Horde, they helped us beat the Lich King (but that was more for the alliance) and deathwing (very helpful). But they are enemies and will always be, the Horde needs to think about itself and its fellow races and people, not the alliance. Its not mutual, its self interest.

Apparently, you saw only what you wanted to see. Nothing in there says that it was taken out of BFA. The opening cinematic isn’t there, but then no cinematics have been shown in Alpha. Even without that, it’s impossible to take that event out of the lore. It’s a part of the Darkshore storyline on both sides. Typical selective outrage from an alliance player.

Not throwing bodies against a machine that has proven itself to be nothing to mess with time and time again is thinking of the Horde and its races. The Tauren gain nothing from all-out warfare against the Night Elves. The Blood Elves don’t have cause to hate the Dwarves or Gnomes. Goblins regularly associate with Gnomes. The only race that has major, major problems are the Forsaken because, well, the undead are always going to be an abomination on the world. Humanity TRIED to reach out to even them though, but Sylvie got too salty about that little plan.

The Horde shouldn’t exist at the Alliance’s mercy or peril, nor vice versa. They also benefit FAR more from cooperation than competition. Again, rivalries are fine, and fun! Drilling troops to become elite operatives to take out threats to Azeroth before the Alliance can (or even know about them) is super-cool, plays into the hero archetype, and doesn’t make players feel bad. It also lets the leaders of BOTH factions really cut loose and go full-OP!


They don’t always benefit from Cooperation, as evidenced in ashenvale, the Horde sometimes can get more simply by taking it.

People seriously getting into heated arguments over this imaginary mumbo jumbo. This quarantine is taking a toll on sanity

Ashenvale is simply a lumber dispute, that’s it. It’s nothing worth marshaling armies over, which is while it makes great sense as a battleground. If you really feel strongly about it, get directly involved and either try to get some ill-gotten lumber (Horde side) or perserve a bit of forest and enforce boundaries (Alliance side). Nothing world-ending or even hate-inspiring, aside from DEHTA roleplayers.

When you’re committing armies against the other faction when there’s literally a world-ending-threat staring you in the face, you are doing something wrong.

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It’s a logical fallacy, and extremely insensitive, to compare a video game company glossing over a fictional event in a video game to real life tragedies that actually happened.

This isn’t a government conspiracy mean to suppress information of a horrible tragedy. It’s a video game company trying to simplify their lore for new players so that they won’t have to absorb so much in a very short amount of time.

Also, it’s just alpha right now. These kinds of things are being actively iterated on and are being constantly changed.

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But see speaking of blood elves, see how the humans treated them in lordaeron. I don’t particularly like the Blood elves (cuz they stole the Amani’s land), but the way the humans of Lordaeron treated them, after Quel’thalas was razed, just proves how selfish and evil the alliance are.

See they literally use people and then claim to be the good guys!!

We also do a whiplash routine.

Almost Every Bloody Expansion we go …

Step 1: “Horde!” / “Alliance!”
Step 2: “MUST KILL!”
Step 3: World Ending Threat Arrives
Step 4: “Mmm … big threat. Peace? Sure, Peace.”
Step 5: Everyone works together
Step 6: World Ending Threat Ended
Step 7: “That was great. We really work well together.”
Step 8: Brief period of peace
Step 9: Return to Step 1

It’s serious whiplash how often we do that.


Garithos does not make the entirety of the Alliance. Yes, it’s unfortunate Kael didn’t have anywhere to go after the Scourge did their damnedest to end elf-kind, but the Human Kingdoms were reeling after the betrayal of Arthas. To say their internal structure was shaky is putting it gently. Garithos was just a bad person in a position of too much power. Which is unfortunate.

The Blood Elf situation was a combination of a scumbag being able to climb the ladder and extremely poor circumstances where everyone else’s hands were tied. I can’t blame the elves for feeling slighted, but I’m honestly surprised they threw their lot in with those that allied with the undead and trolls.

I actually almost created a blood elf and based my wow-game-theme off of how the blood elves are right based on alliance injustice. But then Gods of Zul’aman came out and I decided to create Amanir and ditch the Blood elf idea.

See, i don’t like how you can justify the alliance in nuance saying that Garithos was only one dude. The alliance are responsible for their peoples actions, because they defend their faction and its people, period. Its the same way you might think that the humans of stormwind are not responsible for stealing Amani trolls land, yes they are!! The humans of lordaeron are with the humans of Stormwind, they fought together so they are responsible for the alliance’s actions.

Ever notice all the people arguing Alliance must die don’t know the lore?

Baine tries for peace because the Horde has lost every combat in lore. They may get their victories like Teldrassil in cinematic, but they lost every straight up battle (the devs just hide it as a one off in a discussion)

Lorewise, Baine knows we can’t win and is trying to save his warriors till there is a real battle to fight.


OMG wrong wrong wrong. I know the most lore, as evidenced in my posts.

May I have some sources please.