The alternative was extermination of an invading force of a individuals that have always and will always be about conquest and destruction with our without fel blood. I’d have preferred the latter but it appears the humans at the time were kinder than I am.
Blizzard has been doing everything they can to help Horde players forget what they’ve done since the moment WoT was over.
The Horde get multiple cinematics about retaining honor and reclaiming glory while the Burning is almost completely passed over and the Night Elves get no cinematic.
The “revenge” patch turns out to just be about Nathanos being a turbo bada** able to solo both Night Elf faction leaders with one hand tied behind his back.
There is hardly a mention of Teldrassil throughout BFA. I don’t think I remember a single Horde leader mentioning it when talking about the war except for a word or two when Saurfang speaks with Anduin. It takes Derek Proudmoore for Horde leaders to think maybe something is going wrong, which, conveniently, is a plot point all about Forsaken identity and not terribly much about the Alliance. Shandris accompanies Alliance adventurers but hardly mentions why she’s there and shouts Tyrande down for being upset about the genocide.
Tyrande is not allowed to attend the invasion of Nazjatar, presumably so Horde don’t have to think about her. The devs state that her story is over and they are happy with her “revenge”.
Tyrande is not allowed to show up in the CONCLUSION OF THE EXPANSION, and nobody brings up Teldrassil when the peace treaty is ratified.
The Horde does not do any reparations; there are no scenes of Horde druids offering help to the Night Elves, or anything about returning their lands. Everything is about Horde leaders cuddling still-obviously-evil Forsaken. Horde players are given the option to spy on the Proudmoore conclusion but not on the Night Elf one so they don’t have to see their victim being distraught and angry.
In the new book, Anduin tells off Genn and Turalyon for being suspicious of the Horde because apparently according to him, the faction that willingly followed Sylvanas into genocide and then got told meanie words by her wants her dead just as much as her genocide victims. No lipservice is actually given to who the Alliance characters are that want her dead.
This is just one more bullet point to the list of things Blizzard is doing to cover up what THEY MADE the Horde do, with no thought to Alliance players.
To the people that think this is somehow a necessary measure to make understanding the game easier for new players, allow me to direct you to MrVBauer’s comment on reddit:
Do you remember the original intro to the races, when you first create your character? The narrator drops 15+ years of lore development going back to the Warcraft RTSs and beyond, and it’s awesome. In the Forsaken intro, for example, its explained to you what the Scourge is, who the Lich King is, how the Forsaken broke away from him, how you’re still willing to kill those who hunt you. It talks about the Undercity being the ruins of Lordaeron, it talks about the Scarlet Crusade and how they’re trying to retake Tirisfall from you. It even states that the forsaken consider the Horde primitive and are only allied to them out of convenience. None of that was “needless exposition”. It was interesting information and it was awesome. Wether or not I understood all those terms and plot points was completely up to me.
By simplifying the story and making it more straight forward, they’re making it worse and more boring. You’re erasing the chances of a new player to fall in love with it like we did back in the day. No living soul on this planet ever liked a fantasy story for being simple or straight forward. It’s quite the contrary. The more complex and nuanced it is, the more people like it.
It would be alarmist of me to complain about this if it was the first transgression of its kind in the game, but you and I both know this isn’t the first time WoW’s writers took the easy way out of a plot, writing mary sues, deus exes or pulling cliches out of their asses. For god’s sake, man. It’s the second Warchief the Horde had that was turned villain out of the blue, for no good reason, after decades of loyal service to the faction. They did that twice, my man. We hated it the first time, and they went and did it again. What a bunch of comedians.
I don’t know why you guys think it makes things less confusing to keep new players from know what the war is about in the first place, really.
But trying to change without acknowledging the things you did wrong is inappropriate. If you did wrong and want to be better, then great! But you’ve gotta own what you did or else it’s meaningless, and makes a mockery of those whose suffering you caused.
Then I guess we’ll just have to kill Horde for no reason now
I’m hoping it is placeholder as well and they aren’t trying to erase it form the lore.
The Horde isn’t a good and honourable faction and they shouldn’t be trying to change that.
I don’t think it’s Horde bias, I think it’s the writers and devs realizing they touched on a subject they can’t handle.
So this just makes it easy for them to retcon the night warrior… and I can go back to living in Teldrassil right? What a freakin joke.
I don’t care what fat shirt red says, a tree still burned.
This is a rather weird way for them to make Tyrande a bad guy, as well as the night elves. So the story has been circumvented of the original anger, and now by lore we have no justification, so we will be the next scarlet crusade.
What’s the point of the whole alignment questline then, if they’re just saying it didn’t happen or didn’t matter, the evil actions were exactly why I went the loyalist path (not to mention the tentacle eye in my forehead).
BfA wasn’t good before and they managed to make it worse, way to go Blizzard.
Good, sure it isn’t and that’s the appeal, but honor is very subjective to every race, a few may agree on a common sense, but don’t tell that to Orcs.
Seems like there trying to avoid returning players seeing the bad writting that Danuser and Alex put fourth in BFA. That caused alot of drama within the community. Especially with the bad writing that was darkshore. And how the forsaken were portrayed as n*zi’s. Some returning players or new players might not enjoy seeing that. Could then push them away from the game.
Also how then they claimed that Zuldazar raid was payback for teldrassil. Yet none of the nightelves even supported that raid. Instead they wanted Anduin to help them reclaim darkshore. But they had Anduin focus more on Zuldazar instead. Which makes no sense. Seems like they wanted to push there own agenda. Instead of having the story make sense.
Tyrandes writing is so bad atm leaving her in limbo. I am sure there trying to come up with something stupid to involve her in shadowlands. To some how write past what happened and to have her forget or forgive the horde. Players should really watch carefully how they try to get past the events that happened. Returning players/friends/guildies should be told what happened. In case blizz tries to hide it from them.
With trying to ignore what happened with Teldrassil and Darkshore. How are they expecting to explain the dark eyes the night elves have? My guess would be they would have it unlocked . Without requiring doing the scenario of the nightwarrior to be completed. Just to avoid any returning or new players from seeing it.
The whole BfA lore was a joke, from the pre patch till the end. And the rest of the expansion as well. Meaningless grind after meaningless grind that will be made useless once the expansion is over. At least for Legion the temporary things you got were related to your class, BfA doesn’t even have that.
Shadowlands is already shaping up to be bad and that’s really sad tbh, because I really like this game.
Wait I thought everyone wanted to get along and holds hands, pick flowers and chase butterflies?
Yea, I don't really trust shadowlands atm. Curious if blizz offered alot of youtubers something for promoting shadowlands. You have quite a few out there trying to push it on there viewers. The same ones doing that are the same that promoted BFA. Telling everyone how great it was. Wondering if there being sponsored by blizz for doing it. To me youtubers are no different then politicians in some cases. Having support from outside influences sorta like lobbyist.
Might consider searching there videos to see if they supported and promoted BFA. That's a clear indication of how they are.
kinda weird my reply went into a qoute box. =P
I’m still holding out for an expansion dedicated as a post war love fest.
10 toons
Hey, we lost a lot of people in all these wars. It’s time to get with the baby making!
I guess instead of thinking up some actual character reactions from Tyrande, the night elves, and the hordies involved in Teldrassil’s burning, they’d rather just gloss over it and have everyone pretend it didn’t happen. Typical. Writing a real story is too hard I guess.
Bugs, just like in the game
But yeah, they’re probably being sponsored, or are just doing what they can to look good to Blizzard.