Oh nice, so the exact opposite of a retcon!
Nope. They are shoehorning new players into the story while trying to change major events which have happened. Read the OP.
New level 1 undead players in Shadowlands will have come about after Sylvanas has taken off. Calia Menethil is the one who will be leading the remaining Foresaken in Shadowlands and, as a result, brand new characters will enter as followers of Calia and, as I said before, will have nothing to do with Sylvanas as she has already buggered off to Shadowlands.
The OP is opinion.
New Forsasken player: Reads Forsaken want to protect the living.
/clicks on Forsaken npc
Death to the living
Player: …?
I don’t see where they are removing the burning? It looks like they’re just streamlining the bfa intro for new players.
However, the baggage of the past cannot be ignored. That’s a part of the story, it’s there, we got mounts for it and all that. They have to admit that it happened and if they want to be ‘good’ characters, they have to atone for it in some way. You can’t just brush it aside like “nah bro we just corpses here”.
So what you’re saying is even those who had nothing to do with it should be held accountable? Very Alliance of you.
It’s not that it didn’t happen, only that new characters weren’t there when it happened and didn’t experience it. Hence why it’s not a focus of the “new character” intro blurb.
For all we know at the moment, there may be a “Talk to Chromie to experience the past” thing for it as there are for a couple of other timeline-specific events. There’s not really enough information presented in any of the posts I’ve seen on the forums so far. The only “evidence” I’ve seen is a couple of short discord comments in a screenshot.
I go to bed and this place blows up.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands:
Sylvanas: Hey my beloved hordies Bolvar broke the veil between life and death please help your warchief to go stop whatever’s in there love you XOXO.
Right? I should have known this topic would be a big one.
A lot of you talking about the new Forsaken’s experience… I’m here trying to figure out whom is making these new post-BFA Forsaken?

Right? I should have known this topic would be a big one.
I should have known, honestly.
I just wanted to share this so the community was made aware.

A lot of you talking about the new Forsaken’s experience… I’m here trying to figure out whom is making these new post-BFA Forsaken?
This is a legitimately good question, maybe more aren’t being made.
I will say this: I take this as an unspoken statement that they realize Teldrassil was a big, big, big mistake.
It’s not Ion
Removing the mentions of Azerite? Game-Play wise, sure.
Removing the two events that lead to the Fourth War?
So like are we just going to pretend that Azerite doesn’t exist anymore? The whole reason we went to War…?

You heard it here, apparently the genocide of the NElves didn’t happen on Alpha.
They retconned it out.
Gotta do all they can to make sure the Horde isn’t evil.
Good lord, I hope that’s not true. Or at least not as bad as it sounds. Like perhaps it’s just some placeholder text or something.
I mean I kind of get it. I could understand them streamlining some intro dialogue for the sake of simplicity for new players. That’s supposed to be the point of exile’s reach, and the way they’re making BfA the new entry point. A nice clean slate for them. A big info dump of events they weren’t privy to might not be the best way to welcome them. Especially since they wouldn’t have the same emotional investment in it that we all did.
Are people actually trying to claim this to be horde bias? Does that mean you admit that forcing that story on the horde in the first place was not bias or is everything horde bias regardless?
P.S. Aren’t there tortured NE souls and the whole Tyrande arc in Shadowlands? It doesn’t sound like they retconned it, they just removed the lose threads from the no longer available pre-launch events.
Well. This is exactly what Star Wars fans want Lucasfilm to do with Ep 7-9.

Teldrassil happened regardless of whether people liked it or not. We all need to deal with the consequences.
Tbf, as long as we get to kill sylvanas as a raid or quest boss I don’t really care. Most of us know what happened anyway, and any new player that does research into the lore will know too.
Why would anyone believe there was a giant tree that the night elves built their home around? Bunch of conspiracy theorist. They’ve always been hobos living in stormwind.