That’s exactly why they don’t like her. She is clean, thinks before doing something and isn’t a crack addict overdosing on war.
Sounds like baine and the entire tauren race except for those feltotems
Yeah if you see the general pattern of demands regarding story, Horde players by default hate anything good on their faction or anything which wants peace and want their faction to be known as a bunch of “noble misunderstood people”
Wow, even I find that disgusting and I expected that already.
WP Blizzard.
Gotta show off their Horde tattoos so anything goes
I feel like I already have a better storyline set up for Shadowlands for Tyrande. lol
The Darnassian Catering Co mixed up the orders of the peanut farmer convention and the anaphylaxis awareness summit.
Some many innocents lost.
I laughed way too hard at this.
Who cares.
Can we go back to talking about “new players aren’t allowed to choose expansions”?
I demand an uproar with pitchforks and torches and marshmallows.
mmmm… s’mores…
They’ve done stuff like this before with quests involving old NPCs/leaders. I remember one point where the quest text (I think for the start of the Twilight Highlands questline) kept telling me to “talk to Saurfang” when it really meant “talk to Eitrigg”. Saurfang wasn’t even dead by that point.
Blizzard even changed the race introductions for Blood Elves/Draenei in Catacylsm to reflect how things are post-TBC, even though the actual quests for their zones take place during TBC.
Ultimately, this is just Blizzard handling massive story events like they usually do. I don’t know why they think that lazily changing things around is actually going to help new players understand the story. It’s just going to confuse them more.
NEWS FLASH: People looking for drama and outrage find drama and outrage!
“How dare they not shove the burning of Teldrassil down the throats of new players 5 minutes after they create new characters? This retconning by (((blizz))) has to be punished.” - Said local man, 31, overweight.
If you are a new player, reading that dialogue less than half an hour after installing the game, then the burning of teldrassil hasn’t happened for you yet.
Eh well I assume they thought new players would assume the Horde is evil for doing something like that?
In this game where they are trying to put in a show of both sides can be good and bad that’s probably really bad for them.
This is a reach even by this forum’s standards.
It’s just a random assumption. Take it or leave it.
So you think during the first 5 minutes of a new player’s experience they should stop you playing the game completely, skip over 15 years of happenings on Azeroth and describe in detail the events leading up to and including the burning of teldrassil?
I’m not assuming anything.
It’s just a random assumption.
Well, we’ve made progress.
So you think during the first 5 minutes of a new player’s experience they should stop you playing the game completely, skip over 15 years of happenings on Azeroth and describe in detail the events leading up to and including the burning of teldrassil?
That’s exactly what they’re doing now. Keep up!
They are forcing new players to play Battle for Azeroth. Old players are the only ones allowed to choose any expansion.
I think you’re interpretting it incorrectly.
It’s more likely that the Foresaken remaining with the Horde are now fighting to protect the living. You know, considering Sylvanas has… foresaken them? /evilgrin
Pretty much assume that any new Foresaken characters as of Shadowlands are following Calia and had nothing to do with Sylvanas.