NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

So by that logic we should have just let the *edited by battlenet for some reason(Party responsible for the genocide of a race in germany) off with no consequences for their actions since they were just following orders?

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nothing good about allowing an enemy to not only remain a threat but roll over when it attacks you again. You all have some hugbox nonsensical version of good and evil. Good is neutralising a threat that want you dead. Evil is pretending the threat isn’t one so it can stab you in the back once again.

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You mean the loyalists in chains, or cut down during the fighting and attempted sabotaging the rebel forces from laying siege to orgrimmar should it have come to that? Are you blind, or just feigning ignorance because you have nothing left to fall back on?

They weren’t bad guys, just the leader right?

The Alliance: They’re the bad guys they keep attacking alliance targets.
The Horde: They had people in internment camps.

Me: SOmebody just shove Sargareas’ sword deeper so the planet explodes and it’s over.


That’s how Blizzard is portraying it as of now.

If that wasn’t the case the player character would be executed and all Horde characters would be deleted since they helped.

Those people had actual Agency, players did not.

MANY Germans outright refused to cowtow to the leadership of those times, Many were killed for it, and there’s plenty of stories of people defying that leadership and being hailed as heros.

Guess they are just evil because others did evil too though huh?

There’s a difference, nice false dichotomy tho, and thanks for invoking godwins law.

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The loyalists that still say sylvanis should be leader, the npc ones still doing business in orgrimmar (they have chat lines with bankers and such).

Show me where any of them had anything happen to them.

You physically cannot see the loyalists in chains?

Feigning ignorance. Got it.

Uhhh…that can’t be right.

No, I play alliance. We dont get any of those stories.
Hence why I said, link or you stink.

To us, nothing happened to loyalists. She flew off in a fart cloud and everything’s hunky dory.

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Thought they turned them loose and started a new ‘we be family’ BS horde line when the ‘council’ was put in place.

Really lame honestly…

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It’s not a false dichotomy when the player character’s are directly responsible for the genocide themselves. You can not like that all you want, but you were. Take that up with blizz and their terrible writing team. That doesn’t make you not evil, or suddenly forgiven because your leader was ousted. The party who shall not be named still had their people punished for participating (even if they really in the back of their minds didn’t want to) because they still went along with the terrible actions.

Some of them were turned loose and promised to be good, others are walking around orgrimmar in chains. Theough we don’t have a jail so IDK WTF they are going.

Can you kick them in the rears or something?

They will have to re-write and re-record an awful lot of casual Forsaken NPC dialogue if they want to avoid confusion.

“…beware the living…”



So calling yourself a Third reich member during WW2 doesn’t make you a real Third Reich Member? Would’ve been a useful defense during Nuremberg.


Yeah, pretty much. “We must forgive!” say our leaders. F that. Let me execute them.


Does “embrace the shadows” become embrace the light? Embrace the love?

I’m confused.