To be fair wow is not just a story or novel, the narrative has to fit the events of the game, much of which often gets cut. You could not make a sensible story if you delete the middle hour of content from a movie… WOD was the most prevalent example of this.
Still would be nice if characters remained true to themselves not chop and change as plot dictates (not like you couldn’t sideline Saurfang with an injury and let him nobly sit out BFA while he heals and ultimately challenge sylvannas).
Learn to read buddy, I’m saying the horde are responsible for their actions. Those that participated are evil and no change of leadership changes that.
No? The people that renounced Sylvanas, were allowed to continue with buisness as usual, but continue to have to deal with the distrust and resentment of those whom suffered from it.
The ones that stayed loyal were either put to the sword or chained up, you can physically see them in chain gangs in Org, and you can see NPcs getting in hostile arguements as well.
If you seriously only play one side of the story, and don’t play both sides, your missing massive chunks of the narrative.
“The Banshee loyalists are [Horde] members who sided with [Sylvanas Windrunner] during the last stages of the [Fourth War], fighting against Varok Saurfangs rebels. After the Horde was reunited, they were given a chance to rejoin with the rest of the Horde by renouncing Sylvanas. Ultimately though, a number of them remained loyal to the Banshee Queen and left the Horde for good.”
Sylvanas and Saurfang started a war of extinction like every Horde before it.
You want to argue the Horde was blindsided? You want to ignore all the soldiers that did the deed in the heat of the moment? Fine.
Why keep supporting her then?
Why gleefully support her war?
Why was the Horde leadership so unapologetic throughout BFA?
Even Saurfang barely mentioned it.
None of the Horde seemed to even remotely care until Sylvanas turned on them and even then most of the Horde supported the genocidal maniac.
It was until she left on her own that the Horde really switched sides.
You believe the Horde are not evil psychotic killers?
Well I disagree. In my experience they are nothing more than that and they are not due any sympathy.
I have had this argument with many people for a long time.
I doubt you will change my mind with the usual false equivalency and weak excuses.
because we know the forsaken and blood elves are known for their honesty.
ooooo such punishment
but I have a blood elf paladin with a 430 ilvl, I play it plenty I just don’t go to orgrimmar for anything. Either way you’re hardly making a case that they were all ‘put to the sword’. They are chained up. boo hoo.
So Tyrande should have killed Dath’Remar Sunstrider at the conclusion of the war of ancients solely because he was a Highborne and didn’t do anything to stop Azshara until after it already started?
Because it is what BFA, the expac they will level up is about and how it continues into SL and why they change leader later. That’s literally why they built the entire arc of the Horde on BFA. Without that they just rebel because reasons?
You never heard of “show don’t tell”? it’s like number 1 rule in storytelling.