NElf Genocide Didn't Happen

She totally wouldn’t blight both her people and the enemy, are you serious? :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So did those who opposed Garrosh, and yet they actually led a resistance and tried to depose him instead of going along with his evil plans and following orders like good little soldiers.

Sadfang was 100% for everything up until he had the opportunity to kill Malfurion from behind. Then he got sad about honor.

Sadfang was not good.


Thrall did his best, but he’s only one person, and the other leaders helped, and for the most part the horde did it’s best for a long time to keep the conflict to a minimum (At least until Garrosh happened)

I’d like to see you effortlessly lead an entire nation of people, with mixed ideologies, fresh off a war, and keep all your people in line, without any form of dissent.

You’ll fail just as much as he did, probably worse actually.

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Not if you go full Yrel and purge the dissidents.


So, worse. Got it.

Ok, well then I guess all humans are bad since they held Orcs in internment camps against their will.

All humans are also bad because the people of alterac rebelled and joined the horde, and attacked the alliance too.

They are also all bad, because they constantly go around settling in lands owned by other people, get attacked for it, then genocide the locals because they want the land. :woman_shrugging:

Look what happens when orcs get out.

They lack human characteristics, being inhuman and all.

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So it’s ok to put Orcs in camps because they’re not human?

So the Orcs were justified in killing all the Draenei since they weren’t orcs?

Individuals are bad. Not entire factions. That’s what they’re trying to say with this excluding of events for newer players.

Stop arguing about the characters when you know full well the writers are responsible. Sylvanas was never punished for Wrathgate. WoD made the Orcs look like like warmongers even if they didn’t drink the blood of mannoroth. Sylvanas told people to burn Teldrassil and the shrugged and did it.

Blizzards writers keep writing the Horde evil, but then say they get a pass because…??? Are the Blizzard writers just evil people?


Yrel did nothing wrong. Orcs are bloodthirsty savages. :wink:

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The internment camps were literally the best option.

A psychotic genocidal alien race hopped up on demon juice invades your planet and repeatedly tries to kill everything.
Do you.
A: Exterminate the xenos.
B: Put them in camps.

I’m more of the A column personally. Not nuking the Orcs has been shown to be a fairly bad decision in the long run.


god i gotta do the undead quest zones again that stuff is pure gold.

Kael’thas wanted to kill them too, but the others said that was evil.

The argument is that the Horde is innocent and the issue is the Warchief alone.

This is clearly wrong.
The Horde is just as evil as its Warchiefs.


Still waiting for something to be done about horde running and letting varian get disenchanted.

But nothing will happen to horde, unless horde does it.

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Then all humans are racist against High Elves because of Othmar Garithos. The actions of one individual doesn’t define the entire faction.

What about the citizens in Orgrimmar while this attack was going on? Are they evil?

You know what I think of when I see Lady Liadrin, ex High Priest of the Light and current matriarch of the Blood Knights? I don’t see a woman who is fighting to defend what’s left of her people. She’s clearly evil.


High elves are mana junkies.

Make blood elves use their true wretched model.

The ones actively supporting the war effort?

Hang from the neck until dead.


How about all of the players that pillaged and murdered a bunch of civilians across kalimdor resulting in the burning of teldrassil? Where they burned men women and children alive.