That’s silly gnome, we all know its hollow.
Yes we are. Absolute majority of vile forsaken quests have nothing to do with sylvanas. It’s just death, freedom from mortal morality and numb feelingss.
Sylvanas didn’t single-handedly commit genocide.
Na Malfurion tripped over a branch and miscasted Sunfire
He IS the fifth element!
Sylvanas gave the order.
If Horde were baddies then why didn’t they go raid Teldrassil while Thrall was in charge?
Lol what? What kind of an argument is that?
It’s the argument that the war chief sets the tone for the rest of the Horde. The Horde didn’t go off burning down capitals when Thrall was in charge, why was that?
Thrall’s horde was noble. They helped other races who were on the brink of extinction such as the Tauren and the Trolls. They helped the Forsaken who were abandoned by the humans.
Thrall’s horde was “good” in a sense because Thrall was good.
I mean, I outright refused to participate in the War of Thorns event, because I absolutely hated everything about it.
It’s annoying that despite that they still force you into Teldrassil related events during the BFA intro.
I’m happy to admit I left Nathanos to die in that fight.
Thrall wasn’t a warmonger, and that time period was about the Horde trying to find it’s place in the world. There was no purpose or reason for them to do so, especially since the writers weren’t complete garbo then.
So is the excuse going to be that they were “just following orders”? Not a great one when it comes to genocide, I must say.
This thread is pretty eye roll.
Under Thrall the Horde was experimenting on humans to develop the plague and the Warsong Orcs rampaging across Ashenvale.
His troops also attacked Alliance while they were fighting the undead at the broken front and under his leadership a rogue element of his Horde killed many people at Wrathgate.
Thrall has a ton of blood on his hand as Warchief and lets not pretend otherwise.
Plenty of players were absolutely livid about the turn of events, but the players themselves get zero agency in the matter.
Did you see the forums the day that event hit? There we some happy about the turn of events, but there was a massive portion of the population angered and sickened by it.
Players as a whole get zero agency in this sort of thing, which is one of the worst aspects of WoW writing.
This is actually really great news.
I am glad the devs have listened to the player base about how trash BFA was… BFA 2.0 sounds like it could really be a much much better narrartive, just release another chronicles/update us all on the cannonical storyline.
I told people a year ago this was going to end up happening, all you have to do is look at the Twitter of the writers.
Writers were always garbage according to the forums. People complained about the story way back to 2004.
I’m saying Sylvanas set the tone for the Horde. She forced the Horde to do that. Look what happens to those that opposed her? They got killed. I’m not saying it’s an excuse, the Horde should have done more to stop her. But to say they’re all bad is just a horrible argument.
Varok Saurfang isn’t bad. But he was there. He should have stopped his war chief. Since he didn’t he’s bad, right?
Oh, you mean Sylvanas? Again? And her trying to hide her being complicit by saying 'Oh no, I didn’t do this, it’s totally that guy. 100%"
So again… Sylvanas?
In what world would they not be responsible for their actions?
Just following orders is no excuse.
Hail hydra?
Sad moment
And Garrosh.
And literally every other warchief besides Thrall and even Thrall could not control his Horde.
As I mentioned earlier.