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You really shouldn’t waste energy trying to convince Elesana of anything. She’s in a bit of a slump where everything is bad and nothing will be ok for Night Elves.

Not an invalid perspective mind you given the way they’ve been treated but she takes it to an extreme even I find Blizzard wouldn’t go to. They’re not going to piss off their playerbase any more than they already have by kicking NE’s more than revealing they’ve been stuck in the Maw this entire time.


Doesn’t Theramore require you to do the quest chain first? (Similar to Andorhal, where if you never do it it never changes).

I never have had to talk to the bronze dragon to get to Theramore. I have always just flown straight to it.

I could be mistaken but in collecting the Halloween buckets I never have had to do that to get to Theramore like I do with Nethergarde Keep.

Do you not realize how crazy and no disrespect to you but how crazy you sound as well? I completely understand how you feel. The genuine hurt and just the feeling of being betrayed by blizzard because whether anyone likes to admit it or not, we did and do get the short end of the stick, but there is no way that blizzard is going to allow us to free a couple of characters while we ignore the rest. Like come on, lets drop this extreme act lmao.

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Exactly, like I don’t doubt the way she feels at all because it’s real and i truly do like her and sympathize with her. We are the most mistreated race on wow but gurl, come on lol.

The Forsaken beg to differ.


You only get the toy if you choose to have the gift removed. If you do not have the gift removed, it still stays there.

Obviously for game mechanics, even if you have the “gift” you still defeat N’zoth. Blizzard either does not have enough players keeping the gift to create a separate raid tier, or they are too lazy to do it.

Yep, you have to do the scenario to have theramore change.

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Magni even calls Azeroth a “lass” from time to time. Even though Azeroth is still a baby titan, she is older than anyone living on her. Clearly Azeroth isn’t offended since she still keeps Magni has her speaker. It does kinda say a lot of Sylvanas compared to Azeroth when one is offended over something like “lass”, while the other, who is basically a God isn’t (as far as we are aware).

Side note, I do like it how Magni is taking orders from a girl, considering his former beliefs on the subject of women in positions of power :stuck_out_tongue:


Shush and go back to your cave so you can wait for some low level Alliance to wander in and heroically slaughter you for a 6 silver reward.


If they’re referring to another race, sure. But the Night Elfs? :rofl:

No, I was making a joke about despite being the eldest race on Azeroth with an ongoing civilization that’s older than the history of any others, the story of Trolls involve elves/humans/dwarves showing up to drive them out of their historic lands and being hailed as heroes for it because Trolls are just dumb ugly and violent primitives.

So stop complaining and realize just how bad others have it. It’s not a competition or anything. (I’m still being facetious :stuck_out_tongue:)

That is hard to detect through the internet you silly Goblin. Also, have you seen my dreads? Nothing ugly about it.

BfA made it feel like they’re making it a competition.


Yep. That is correct. Hence my responding in confusion to Tamanii’s post:

Have to talk to Zidormi.

Yeah I went back to try and do what I (figured) had done before. Kept getting loaded back to Darkshore before having to talk to her.

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I just can’t see the current writers pull a complete 180 on their writing style with the Night Elves, that’s all. Even in the revenge patch they couldn’t give us a single victory, I don’t see them changing anything about their tradition of spitting on NE fans. Maybe one day there’ll be a new writing team and then we can have some nice things, who knows, but as long as I don’t actually see a single positive thing happening (such as being able to free every single NE soul before Sylvanas gets redeemed) I’m not going to believe in it.

The forsaken don’t even come close. They lost a capital, that’s it. Their leaders are still doing fine and about to be redeemed as the greatest heroes in wow history. Also, the forsaken are getting huge victories here and there, such as Gilneas and most recently Teldrassil, and they barely face any consequences for it other than losing their sewers.


I have noticed that most of my toons of high enough level that require talking to Zidormi usually only have to talk to her once then they stay to that zone’s timeline even if leaving and coming back.

Sometimes it seems that Blizz resets something and I have to have all these toons talk to Zidormi again.

I usually park toons that are accumulating rest xp in Darnassus cause I prefer those cooking quests over the ones in Stormwind or Ironforge as I usually do the cooking quest while rest xp builds up.


They could not for a very good reason. that patch may have been labeled “Tides of Vengeance” But you for get two important things.

  1. Vengeance for whom? Tyrande wasn’t the only one seeking vengeance, others were as well, for very different causes.

  2. More importantly that patch was to open the Warfronts, not conclude them before they had even begun, which is why most likely that awful excuse for a Tyrande victory speech was removed.

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Who else was supposed to get revenge in that patch? If anyone it should’ve been about the revenge of the night elves and possibly the gilnean.

And if it was just to open up the warfront, why do they stuff like that Tyrande already got her revenge in that patch? Sounds like a very poor excuse to make uninformed people think that this statement is true so that blizz can ignore the night elves again like they are doing currently.


Man, I remember when I had that kind of hope… The Good days.

I guess an entire narrative thrown down the fire pits and forever more tainted isn’t enough.