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The Gilneans were evacuated from Gilneas and Teldrassil.


Many were evacuated from Gilneas to Teldrassil, where they later burned alongside the Night Elves.

Well the Gilneans were the first evacuated, the nightelves wanted them to escape first.

Hard to say if there were any remaining in the City.



    “There are many Gilneans still in Darnassus,” Genn said to Anduin as the group of refugees followed Velen down the carpeted ramp. “I’d like to go and bring them back here. My people need to see they’re not forgotten by their leader.” Anduin shook his head. “At this moment, I need your experience and advice . . . if worst comes to worst.”

    “Do not worry,” Tyrande assured Genn. “My people will make sure that yours reach safety.”

    “I thank you, but I can’t just abandon them. They need to see a familiar face!”

    Anduin understood. Fond as the night elves were of the Gilneans, Genn’s people would still feel lost and frightened without someone they knew and trusted to take charge. “Perhaps Tess?” he suggested.

    “I’d send her if I knew where to find her,” Genn growled.

    He paused, thinking, as the portals continued to hum and morenight elves stepped through. “Mia,” he said. “No one knows how to calm people better than she does. Besides, she spends half her time there.”

    Queen Mia Greymane was indeed a frequent visitor to the Howling Oak encampment in Darnassus. Anduin was very fond of her and had to agree—with her quick wits and kind heart, the petite but strong-willed Mia was the perfect choice.

    It had not taken more than an hour or two to send all the Gilneans to Stormwind, but Mia loved the people of Darnassus and would stay until the last possible moment. She had become the ambassador of Stormwind by default. She stood on the rim of the moonwell in the Temple of the Moon so she could be seen, directing the flow of increasingly distressed night elves and assuring them they would find support and safety in the human kingdom.


Wait… only an hour or two?

That’s what the text says. Blizzard’s not good with numbers.

A reminder that in A Good War they said that the Horde’s catapults had a maximum range of a couple hundred yards. And then burned down Teldrassil with them from a Darkshore beach.


I take it then you’d have absolutely no problem with Magni calling Vol-jinn, Thrall, or Malfurion “Boy”. That form of address shows that Magni isn’t looking at her position but at her breasts.

Well no, the male equivalent of “lass” would be “lad.”

“Boy” (or “girl” for that matter) would carry a heavier implication that the speaker considers the person a child, or at the very least emphasizes that the person is a great deal younger than himself.

And really…while it just wouldn’t make sense with Malfurion, if Magni called Thrall or Vol’jin “boy” it wouldn’t necessarily be awry, since he’s significantly older than either of them and dwarves in general tend to be chronically informal when speaking to just about anyone of any rank or station.


As someone who plays an elf, one might understand how that would offend one? The age defense wouldn’t work since she’s probably older than he is.

Well yeah, she’d be put off or even outright offended. Not because she’s female, but because dwarves are just plain habitually irreverent to everyone regardless of social standing while high elves - alive or undead - tend to place a great deal more stock in observing formality.


Seems to be an issue with the Horde in general and in a larger context the story as a whole… This is why I was so triggered when they tossed aside Nazgrim and Taylor. As far as im aware, those were the only two characters to receive consistent character development over the course of multiple expansions simply to be tossed aside for plot.

Truly one of those instances in which I wonder what goes on in those brainstorming sessions at Blizzard HQ…


They are not good at keeping a coherent narrative either. There was a lot of Gilnean Civilians present in all three times I ran the Burning of Teldrassil.

They may have been tagged as Darnassian Civilian but they plainly had the Worgen models.

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Please don’t remind me.

At least Nazgrim got a kickass fight and is currently saving the world as a DK.

Taylor died off screen to a no name mob and is now nothing more than a shallow reminder of what blizzard will do to characters they no longer have a use for.


There were Draenei and even Gnome Darnassian Citizens, oddly enough, in that quest, too.

Oh Wow. I never saw them.

You can see some Draenei at the 1m 21s mark here. And you can see a Gnome at the 2m 10s mark, and another at the 2m 30s mark:

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Sylvanas can’t kill hope, but Blizzard sure as hell can.


56 of 982…depressing!

I saw both the draenei and the gnomes. Thanks for pointing that out.

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They really made sure that every last bit of hope Night Elf fans ever had for a conclusion to their story after losing everything completely dies.

Every. Single. Last. Bit.

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I absolutely love night elves but OP come down to reality with me here for a bit. I want to demand better stories but we are going to have Tyrande as a focal point in ardenweld, hopefully to re affirm her strength in Elune.

We have gotten the raw end of the stick yes, but we can at least keep our chins up. Hopefully with WC3 reforged they can see what we are really all about.