Neil Young? Opposition to Microsoft

EXACTLY…so claiming that its immutable…‘believe the science’…that fauci proved changed in just a few months, is ridiculous.

/thread muted…not worth my time today

was Fauci providing science in march2020 when he told you NOT to wear a mask…or…was he presenting science later that year when he told you TO wear a mask.
I’m all a’twitter with anticipation awaiting a logic response that is more than “the science changed” lmao

Who is Neil young?

We’ve been through that - best stuff is between 1 and 54 - seriously.

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I really hadn’t heard of him until his recent blowup. I’m in my late 30s… lol.

Another has been trying to get another 15mins of fame.

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Anyone else ever notice that antivaxxers are obsessed with painting Fauci as the “leader” of the vaccinated when most of us don’t even know who he is?

I know who Fauci is, but I get my medical advice from civilian doctors because they have no agenda except public health and safety.


His was a bit longer. If you’re interested look him up. Or just read the first 54 posts of this thread and you’ll get it.


Better a “has been” than a “never was.”


One of the comments, from 13 hours ago on that story:

13 hours ago

Do most of you not realize this is a satire website lmaoo

Ha, another story on that site:

" Introduction of Alcoholic Mountain Dew Leaves Gamer Wondering What Has Been Getting Them Drunk This Whole Time"

" —and when I logged into World of Warcraft at night, that’s when I’d whip out the Code Red,” said Wright outside a Taco Bell, sipping from a cup of Baja Blast wrapped in a paper bag. “You’re telling me this stuff doesn’t even have alcohol in it?” "

Seems like a “The Onion” type site.

Anyone ever notice how ‘provaxxers’ love their strawmen arguments? lol.
I have ALL my vaccines, friend. What I dont have is this experimental shot that clearly doesnt work to stop the spread.

Wrong. Fauci has been THE voice of the vaccine since this began in the USA.

This makes me happy, and I’m glad to have been of service. :slight_smile:

Thank you for letting me know that you found my post useful.

You’re awesome, too.


You couldn’t be more wrong. This is what happens when someone lives inside the internet.


I’ve heard of him.

I watched him once, thought to myself “what a tool” then never listened to him again.

He has been discredited countless times and has become nothing more than a political puppet.


You’ve got to be kidding me, lol. You’re trolling, right?


Lmfao love that tictok

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Young went at Spotify, gained some relevancy for all the wrong reasons and now is riding that high to go at Microsoft and I think he has others in mind too.

The dude is a has-been. And won’t let it go. These ‘celebrities’ show up rather conveniently when it best suits them, where was he when this news broke of all that Activision Blizz stuff.

Microsoft has leverage. So did Spotify. Spotify removed his music… and I feel Microsoft will remove his indie games… nothing gained, nothing lost.

This thread has allowed us to watch in real time how misinformation spreads.

I am impressed.


Misinformation about what tho?


You are aware that the article in the OP is satire and did not actually happen, correct?

And you are a never-was, what’s your point?

Why should he let go of the legacy he earned?

As people tend to do. Why would anyone show up when it doesn’t suit them?

Probably chilling in his mansion?

Doesn’t need it though, because the article was satire.

Not really. He said “get rid of Rogan or get rid of me.” They got rid of Neil. That was bad PR for Spotify, no matter if you see it or not. There are a lot of people out there (mostly the “hip” boomers and the older Gen Xers) who have Neil Young on their playlist. They’ll be upset to see that he’s gone, and even more upset when they find out why. Pandora could make a comeback over this.

He has indie games? Or are you taking satire seriously again?