Neil Young? Opposition to Microsoft

This weird. Why is this kinda stuff news? It’s a celebrity, an old one at that…could have used any celebrity when it mattered with those women last July/August. I guess it’s Microsoft now and he’s got leverage.

This is a Game Pass thing I dont understand.


Not surprised. Still so much fallout


This is the same guy that got embarrassed trying to de-platform Joe Rogan.

Seems to me Neil is running out of money and is trying to make headlines for some notoriety.


neil young moment


I think there’s some justice that needs hearing about. Like so & so got fired. Or something more tangible than, “we’re fixing things. Here focus on the carrot, here’s something new we’re doing.” Just knowing the customer has short memories.

I’m not gone yet. Maybe I’m buying the truth smashed in with the propaganda. Idk :woman_shrugging:

Hard Drive is a satire site


I don’t know who Neil Young is.


Oh. Hmm Just opened my news feed. So it’s not legit?

No, it is not :wink:


I don’t want to take a stance on the worker’s union. Not my place. But I hope whatever happens, it’s to change things for the better.

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As in your opinion or this is making a story up using 3 legit companies a person who could sue the living daylights out of them for this kind of bull.

That looks like satire.

Just needs to sell his catalogue of copyrights like boB Dylan just did to Sony. Think it’s was him anyway.

When you are old barring some really bad habits that costs tons of money…150 mil should get you to that final day on this world really.

as in:


Well no I mean I can’t recall ever hearing the name Neil Young before this thread. I had no idea who this guy is.
Looking at the other articles on that site it does seem questionable. There’s no other news on it on Google.


It’s a satire news story about Neil Young pulling his music out of spotify. The point of the satire being that an aging artist is trying to dictate what these giant companies should do.

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Yeah I saw the Rogan thing when I searching for more news on it.

You know, I always just thought satire was there to be stupid :laughing:

Yep idk who he is either.

Satire can be there to make a statement. Like a giant analogy :smile: or a fake story to prove a point.
But this story in particular is indeed stupid.

:older_man: Feeling old here. I didn’t have to look him up and even started thinking about many of his tunes.