Needing on items to sell them is that Reportable?

If this is so much better, why is it you are making yourself look like an employee trying to increase token sales?

and our modern system has its own issues such as players needing on items purely to sell it so we’ve gone full circle

the only way to fix loot issues is giving players currency on top of normal drops ,that can be exchanged for loot , so in the end u are guarenteed your loot , lets say 10 boss marks and u need 80 (so 8 kills gasp…like that other game)

but that would kill the “Rng” and blizz doesnt want that , they want u to kill the boss 100 times before u see that weapon or trinket.

It’s pretty deplorable gameplay

However, they were, rightly or wrongly, allowed to roll on the item via the rules/system blizzard has set up.

Once it is in their bag, it is theirs to do with as they see fit.

Not much you cand really do other than to petition blizzard to change things.

Yeah thats why I think either change TOS To make it an offense or fix the loot rules which may be harder? Because they guy who needed on the Normal Version of spymasters in my raid and instantly whispered to sell it Had 2 trinkets stronger then it one was mythic tier at 639 and one has 626

Go peddle your tinfoil elsewhere.

Be frustrated all you want. But all that has happened is that you lost the roll, and they are allowed to do what they want with it. The amount of this happening is negligible at best, and even in the cases where it is happening the solution is very simple: don’t buy it.

Ninja looting, this modern version of it or not, is not a reportable offense. Be frustrated all you want, but no. It hasn’t gone in a “full circle”, you have just encountered a case as old as the game itself: someone else won an item, and you didn’t get it. That’s literally all this boils down to.

You’re missing the point. Previously, there wasn’t a systemic issue of people needing on items simply to sell it back to the rest of the raid. This has become a new disease that has been spreading, and needs to be curbed now with enforcement. Was it the way with BoEs before? Yes. But not with BoP gear.

Ive seen them ban people for ninja looting But besides that If we dont do anything and just stay quite and dont deal with broken systems then nothing will ever get fixed which seems to be what you want weird this is a broken part of the new system if people doesn’t know about it or people dont complain it wont ever get fixed and something like this can make people have negative opinions about raiding just like Mythic + right now and that will stop people from raiding and sometimes from playing entirely

It’s this. Everyone who contributed to the kill has an equal right to the loot.

So screw the 4-5 other people who also contributed and actually need an item for an upgrade and not just to get some gold? seems like a bad system

Doesn’t Needing make the item soulbound? It used to.

Not anymore, no.

This here is the fix.
If you need on it, you can’t trade it.
And we get the delicious tears of flippers on the forums.

To fix the “accidentally needed” issue, add a “downgrade to greed” button. Same roll number, just a greed instead.

No items will be tradeable up to 2 or 3 hours after looting for raidbosses and dungeon bosses its that blue text that shows up under recently looted items you can only trade to others who were also there at the time

i’m just gonna say it: if you need on an item, it should automatically be soulbound.

…that’s my controversial 2-cents for week.


op what is your ilvl at

i need money

No. You agreed to the old loot system and all the headaches that went with it when you rolled on a Classic server.

I’d be fine with this.

If I need on an item it’s for a reason. It doesn’t matter the reason, but the reason is almost always I want it, not that I necessarily need it.

Having those grubby little creeps whisper me every. Single. Time. I loot an item is so obnoxious. Get your own loot, loser! This is mine! Stop asking weirdo! Whispering at strangers in real life would be considered socially unacceptable!

I hate when bums come up to me at the gas station and I hate when LFR bums try to steal my mog.

If it were properly soulbound after I rightfully earned my loot, I wouldn’t have to deal with the riff raff bothering me and even sometimes taking their whining public in group chat.

This isn’t a charity, and if it was, my contribution is carrying the bots in LFR who can’t do damage or follow mechanics. You’re welcome!

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622 I was in the normal raid to get the lock out and hopefully get the queen enchant Dont need anything from it

exactly what i meant.

well… not really, but you have the same line-of-thinking.

it’s a need button, not a want button. if your needing an item, then you should actually NEED the item. not ‘oh i need this so i can sell it’, cause then you don’t really need the item, you just want the money you’d get from it.

…man, i went heavy on the italics in this reply. :laughing:

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