Needing on items to sell them is that Reportable?

Is needing on items in a raid group pug/guild only for the intention to sell said item to the highest bidder reportable? or is it just fair game? Ive been in two groups this week in both Heroic and normal where someone needed on an items purely to sell it to people in the raid


They won the item and you are allowed to trade your own stuff with other players. That ain’t a reportable offense. It’s the same thing as any other tradeable item in the game, items like these simply have a restricted number of people you can trade it with.


No, especially if it is boe.

What someone does with gear they win is up to them.


Unfortunately no.

I think Blizzard needs to not allow cross realm gold trading. That’s what ruined everything.


Its not BOE I understand BOE But its the BOP stuff Im mainly asking just to see cause its kind of lame these guys dont hide their intention or anything just need on it and instantly offer in chat for a set price usually its the BIS gear the Ring the neck Spymasters web ect but I was just checking I dont know all the Rules of blizzard and just wanted to see I guess its just scummy but not illegal

You can do the same OP.

$15 for everyone.

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Crummy behavior, yes. But violate the ToS, it does not.


Of course not, it’s a cost center.

Don’t PUG!!! Join a guild.

Im trying my friend but My realm isn’t exactly known for its raiding :frowning:

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You think that someone who would charge hundreds of thousands of gold for selling a piece of gear they only bid on to profit from is going to treat the noob in the guild any better?

all guilds are cross-realm now

You can only vendor that stuff though…I dont know of too many people who roll need on something for the express purpose of vendoring it for …111 gold(?)

With cross-faction/realm guilds…don’t limit yourself to 1 server. You have the whole region to raid with now.

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No when your in a raid group it gives you 2 or 3 hrs to trade it to anyone else in the raid group So they need on it and try to sell it to the other guys who actually need it for gear upgrades Example Spymaster’s web dropped in normal today and they whispered my friend who needs it They instantly said 400k for it like thats super scummy


Guilds are cross realms and cross faction now. Since WoW’s population hasn’t recovered from BFA and SL dumpster fires.

Not sure how I advertise on whole regions I usually just go to trade chat and look or people I meet while doing raids/dungeons

I love how everyone just accepts the broken systems as they are even though they agree its wrong. Defeatism at its core. This shouldn’t be allowed.


You can join the guild recruitment discord:

or look for recruitment listings on the forums:

Or even raider io

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Awesome thank you I’ll check these outs :heart: