Needing on items to sell them is that Reportable?

It isn’t wrong though. Not more than ninja:ing items in the past.
As much as one can state that ninja:ing items was bad, the idea to insinuate that being a reportable offense is frankly insane. One can hold an opinion that something is wrong, scummy, or otherwise… but it doesn’t make that opinion a fact. You are allowed to do it because you have just as much of a right to the item as everyone else eligible to roll on it.

What you do with it afterwards is your own business. Simple as that.

Sounds like a justification a ninja would come up with.

“I won the roll so I can do whatever!” get real, you’re worse than the people who join LFR and need gear to DE it.


I mean they do have the system you cant need on stuff you already have to prevent people from needing to prevent others from having it I dont understand why Needing on an item purely to sell it to people isn’t also an offense Raids are a weekly lock out so your blocking several other people for an entire week on an item that isn’t a 100% drop chance either so they may not even see it next week

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… from someone who has thought about this subject matter long and hard. Back during Wrath when I was a young kid I got an item ninja’d from me, so I went to their realm and tried to call 'em out for it. I got a week’s suspension from that and I have thought about things like that A LOT since then.

Your opinion is that of an emotional response, the same thing I had as a kid and got suspended for a week for. Because I acted irrationally rather than thought logically about it. So no, it ain’t a justification from someone who would ninja an item, but rather from someone who has thought about things like this for the past 10+ years because I have been on the other end several times.

If you win a roll when you are eligible for that item, that’s your item. That’s all there is to it. Trying to ban what a player is allowed to do with that item afterwards only has insanely negative consequences that far outweighs appealing to people’s emotions.

Because Blizzard employs a “no nuance”-systematic view to their systems. Basically put it like this; if you are allowed to do it, you are allowed to do it. If a system allows you to do it, you are allowed to do it. The only exceptions is if said system is used in a way that isn’t intended (like for an exploit or something).

A player winning an item, having the ability to trade that item for 2 hours to other people who also could roll on it, and gold to be exchanged at the same time when trading an item; that’s all allowed. That’s all working as intended. None of that’s an exploit or otherwise break ToS.

To ban this would essentially inform players that “player to player trading is now a bannable offense” because… that’s what it would be.

Let’s see, options for Blizzard to stop people from doing it…

  1. Instantly soul bind anything you need. This would probably work…but then you’d have a bunch of complaints by people who “accidently” need stuff.

  2. Turn off cross realm gold trading. Again…this would work. It’s even more viable with warbanks. But I’m sure you’d still have a lot of complaints.

  3. Try to ban it in the tos and enforce it. I don’t really see this as a viable option. Yes, you could stop some of it…but it would still happen in whispers and discord.

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It should be.

Was in a with a friends guild normal raid a while ago, where a PUG needed an item – won it and then started trying to auction the item off.

There should be a zero tolerance policy for this kinda stuff imo.


So the maladaptive coping mechanism you found as a child influences your thought processes now as an adult, and you see no issues with this.

Got it.

Just be personal loot outside of guild groups?

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Yes but people can report you now for it making it a deterrent to stop a majority of people Its better to have 1-2 Scummy people instead of a few hundred which can cause a negative experience on players game play

Personal loot only stopped people from trading upgrades. So Normal/Heroic/Mythic raiders could still do LFR or another lower tier specifically to sell stuff.

I miss personal loot so much some of the few things I enjoyed about shadowlands


Masterloot prevents this in classic.

yes but personal loot I Didn’t actively take that away from the others who rolled I Just got lucky to get it While the system now I can actively see everyone who needs on it and who im selling it to they make an Active choice to make an attempt to take that item away unlike personal loot where its passive you just got it

There are somethings I feel they should crack down on from the harm they do to the community as a whole. Much like how season of discovery doesn’t allow gold runs I would like to see that in retail.


Lack of Masterloot already prevents GDKP.

Imo they should just remove cross realm gold trading in instances.

Yeah, you could zone out and do a workaround.

I Do wish they would bring that back but only allow it if your in a guild run or a certain % of players are guildies cause in pugs it can just be abused

I can safely say that the game is a hundred times better without personal loot. You can actually loot an item you won now and enjoy it without getting harassed endlessly of “Can I have it”, “You don’t really need it”, “Give me that”, etc…

All personal loot did was breed a mentality that promoted mass harassment and a behaviour that was so bad that folks stopped looting bosses, and instead let it all go the mailbox. Just to avoid folks harassing them for gear.

Not to mention the havoc that personal loot caused for anyone engaged in organized group environments, where trading loot to guildmates for an example was a nightmare activity.

Some of that can be fixed Dont show what people looted on Raid bosses that fixes the “Can I have that” and organized group enviroments you mean guild runs basically? Well they can add the raid leader the ability to change off personal loot

did players forget that with PL we had players class stack the loot?


I have already pointed out that Blizzard doesn’t do nuance within their systems. Every player is treated exactly the same, no matter the circumstance. So no, if you get loot it shows up in the chat.

The fix to the problem caused by personal loot, was to remove it and replace it with a better system. Which they did. Our modern version of Group Loot works significantly better than Personal Loot, solves other issues stemming from inability to trade gear in organized group, and stuff like the absolutely INSANE split-runs that folks engaged with due to personal loot.

So no, none of the things you suggested works. Personal loot was the issue, so the correct thing was to replace it with something which works better. Which the modern version of Group Loot is.