Need to go back to Personal Loot

Why is this?

Not having personal loot for LFR is absolute insanity.


LFR is queued random content, you have no choice in who you are going to play with, as such it is not uncommon for more anti-social behavior to occur in these environments. PL doesn’t completely solve this, but it mitigates it heavily.


I do understand You’re clearly emotional over loot.

It’s not. PL by far was the worst loot system ever made.

This is 100% false. Stop making things up to back up a weak argument.

PL never had BLP

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Just bring Valor back.

With loot rolls in LFR your only chance of getting anything is to roll need on absolutely every single thing you can.

LFR is a raid. So it makes sense to use the raid loot system.

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Ah, the old “well it’s not happening to me personally so everything must be fine” argument. If you surveyed all LFR players, I can’t imagine that the average player would be happy with this stupid rolling for loot against other players system.

i agree let us get tokens also with a chance with loot

I won every single item off of the first boss in LFR. I cackled pretty hard. On any sort of alt I’d never get a single item.

Even won a pair of plate transmog, not a single plate wearer to be seen in the raid.

Craziest luck I’ve had in awhile, and I didn’t even really want it.

To be fair though, personal loot sucked pretty bad too.

What kind of anti-social behavior does group loot promote that personal loot mitigates heavily?

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Try getting a tie 100 roll and losing. Yes it seriously happened XD

Have had this happen more times than I’d care to remember.

On one hand, I absolutely agree that gearing feels like crap in this game. On the other hand, though, it’s pretty funny to see someone complain about Teletubbies content AND fail to understand PL in a single post.

You realize PL is just what world bosses have, right? And that “rolling” is more or less just bringing the backstage RNG distribution to the front? If you didn’t get gear now, you wouldn’t have gotten it with PL either. The change we actually need is to do away with all RNG aspects in the gearing process, and make it a slower but more deterministic buildup.

Valor will forever make gearing feel better. You at least are guaranteeing you get something for your effort and as you grind bosses you get gear. Idk why they ever did away with it. Don’t remove what’s not broken.

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Correct, and while this happens in queued content, you can just be removed by the leader for doing this.

LFR is raiding in name only. Its primary purpose is so that the most amount of players possible can see the content.

The loot is also not a focus as much of the LFR loot is significantly worse than what you can get from doing Delves and M0 content.

was you fist name or 2nd name on that list? if so i think it went alphabetical

i know idc if the items was 50 tokens it was a good thing to get

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Nah it’s random pretty sure. My priest name starts with “K” and theirs was “T”. It was so unlikely I just had to laugh it off.

I mean, i think i made it very clear i was angry about the loot, any dumbass like yourself could figure that out if you use your noodle a bit, not rly something to be proud off

The problem is how you wasted all neurons there and didn’t notice the rest of the statement

I will not believe the words of someone who say BM is fine and to just reroll to other specs, seems like you are clueless in other facets of the game as well.

It is 100% true, if you made all the bosses in the LFR at least one loot was a thing

Maybe you are just too good and never did a lfr in your life, but that is how things where, sorry

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