Need to go back to Personal Loot

Nope. It shouldn’t. LFR shouldn’t get special treatment.

Raiding uses group loot.


Last night. Watched multiple people walk away with ilvl 600-603 items when they had 610 or higher item lvls already equipped in those spot. Like dude I’m still rocking a 580 ring. Let me have it.


LFR is not raiding, it’s a loot pinata

If it’s not raiding the. It shouldn’t award any loot and just be story mode like it’s intended.

I got loot I didn’t even roll on. It was a tier token for other classes, it wasn’t even a loot drop. It is really messed up, bring back personal loot!!!

Raid finder. That lets you run raids, on the raid finder difficulty, to get raid loot. It’s a raid.

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It’s not just 626 versus an LFR piece though. You want even 1 item level difference to disqualify a person from being able to roll.

But even beyond that, when dealing with tier pieces, the singular piece don’t tell the full story. With only needing to wear 4 out of 5 pieces, I can shift my gear around if I get the right slots. Those LFR gloves replacing a 626 non-tier piece allowing me to also trade out an LFR tier chest for a 626 non-tier chest I have on hand still will be a performance upgrade.

This happens all the time with trinkets and weapons. Rashok’s Molten Heart in DF S2 at LFR was the best trinket for nearly every healing spec, even when considering all other trinkets at max myth level. In SL S3, bears were wanting a strength mace at any item level, literally sacrificing all main stat on their weapon slot.

Are you telling me that you’re fine with people wearing champion gear rolling on LFR items because it’s close enough in item level? I have a feeling a lot of people on your side of this argument would not be…

Have you considered what happens if Blizzard implements changes to do what you are suggesting? Those 626 item level players stop queuing and will be replaced by players more appropriately geared that will also be rolling against you. Everyone will have longer queue times (fewer players in the pool), higher geared players lose a way to engage with the game/shot at transmog when current, and you still don’t have any better odds at winning the item in question. If you would feel better knowing someone else who is equally geared is getting the item, so be it; but there is quite a bit of collateral to get there.

Even if this is correct, Blizzard reduced the amount of loot that dropped going into SL and got rid of bonus rolls. It takes 10 raid bosses for the average loot per player to be 2. With raid tiers that are less than 10 bosses, it’s not mathematically possible for every player to get 2 items per clear.

We can certainly discuss there not being enough loot dropping, and I would definitely agree. But in the current environment, even if Blizzard replaced GL with PL immediately, it wouldn’t be possible for players to average 2 items per clear because there just aren’t enough items dropping in an 8 boss raid to do so.


That’s a bonus item that is account-bound and doesn’t count as one of the 1/5 item drops.

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to the players who want pl just don’t be surprised if you are one of 5 cloth players and rest is plate players

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I know that, i literally said THAT I COULD SEE, i wanted at least to see the damn roll, try to read to understand and not to respond first.

No, this is hundred times worse.

Doing an entire raid in the old model at least you were assured to get something, right now you get nothing.


Or make it so when you have the Normal version of an item you get the LFR version automatically. Or say you have the Heroic version you get both Normal and LFR. Mythic could grant Heroic, Normal, and LFR.
That way you don’t have geared people going into LFR for transmog taking gear away from people trying to gear up alts.

just make the xmog roll give you a cosmetic only copy if you win it. That way 1 person who genuinely needs the item gets it and 1 person who wins the mog roll gets their mog.

Sorry that Blizzard isn’t handing out your participation reward.

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It’s season-long content.
You complain that you only have one or two things a week.
Do you want to finish the season in one week?
I’m thinking next seasons on the contrary don’t play M+ and only attend raid.

Although M+ allows you to dress up very quickly, its audience spoils warcraft, they are either toxic or play worse than me 2-3 times, and I’ve only been playing more or less in my estimation for the last 2 days this season.

I really think I’d rather get one thing a week than play another season of M+.
Yes I’ll be left without great feats, but I won’t run into these people again.
You should know how they play, what they write…

This season of M+ is likely my last unless the RIO system or the M+ audience changes.

sure buddy keep spreading that misinformation


No wayyyy, personal loot was so annoying I never got anything I needed with it

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PL only makes sense in LFR. Otherwise group loot is just superior.

It makes it more fun this way. I’ve had no issues getting gear in LFR on any of my characters. As if this game doesn’t already cater to the casual gamers enough.

till the class stacking happen when you joined then you was not getting anything if you was not part of the class stacked grouping

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This is not happening at a rate worth concerning ourselves with.