Need to go back to Personal Loot

It is not. I have full cleared many lfr wings where I received no loot on numerous alts.


Ew no. Valor was a trash system too.


Im sure a lot of people will come to say this now :woozy_face:

But hey, people are doing many lfr wings now and not getting loot anyway, and now they get pissed by losing rolls while NOT getting the itens

I guess for some people who are sadist is better now

Thats just how rng works. :exploding_head:

Run some delves

No need to name call because you don’t know how loot works and are getting mad about it.

I never said BM was fine. I suggest learning to read before commenting about others ability to read.

But yeah the CE raider is clueless compared the the LFR hero :joy:

It’s 100% not true. There was zero guaranteed loot in PL. it’s never been a thing.

Feel free to provide a citation from Blizz stating that. Because this is a common lie told by people that don’t know how PL worked.

I have done LFR. It’s never been that way. I’m sorry you’re absolutely clueless on this subject.

PS even if I hadn’t done LFR PL was in every other raid mode


The double negative doesn’t cancel out so it’s a correct sentence. English is fun!

Yeah you did, many times, but you got a expertise in lying and backtracking apparently.

I mean, just like you did not read my comment, and looked like a fool? about the hidden roll?

Peak hypocrisy

See, got you a fourth time trying to flex - the one thing you said you didn’t in the hunter forums -

It especially funny cause you got carried, You sir, are a laughing stock.

Either way, if you don’t do LFR, then the loot system matters to you, stop arguing over, its doesn’t matter if you like this mode more, since you don’t do it anyway.

Personal Loot is objectively worse for everyone.

Loot tables usually have 4 pieces of loot you’re eligible for, but sometimes more. There’s usually not more than 13 pieces on the table total.

Assuming you are in properly sized groups with no one being loot locked, your odds go as this:

Personal Loot: Your chance to loot is always 20%. Getting the item you want to drop varies. We can only assume that the game has an equal chance to generate any piece of gear from the table your spec is able to use;

For the sake of the argument, we will use these conditions:

20 Man group. Loot Table = 13 Pieces. Pieces your spec can use = 4.

P(AnB) = P(A) * P(B), where A is your chance to be selected in Personal Loot and B is the item that you want.

P(.2) x P(.25) = .05 or a 5% chance to loot the item that you want on any given boss and pretty much virtually ANY time.

Group Loot, same rules.

Boss drops 13 items in their loot table. 20 man group, no loot locks.

The boss has a chance to drop your desired item up to 4 times, with a base 7.5% chance to drop at all. (1/13). Even if you’re rolling against 3 other players, which should not be happening with standard items in the first place, you will still ultimately have greater odds at getting what you want. I’m not going to sit here and tell you every odd for rolling 1-100.

In this system you gain inherent advantages:

  1. If you are pugging, you can design groups in such way that you will only ever fight 1 or 2 people for an item; and this is how groups should be designed anyways. Exceptions are going to be those ‘Very Rare’ trinkets, rings and necks.
  2. You do not have to rely on the ‘good will’ of other players to pass down items they do not need, as the game will not allow them to roll on items where they already have a better equip. With Personal Loot, you had to rely on other players to not be a jerk…but conversely you also had to deal “you need that” whispers which have almost entirely evaporated with Group Loot. And now with cross realm gold trading, just imagine how toxic Personal Loot would become.

The fact you think I did shows you can’t actually read.

Feel free to quote once where I said it was fine.

You mean where you said “it just gave it to him” which implied you didn’t know there was a hidden roll and based on your post history you being that oblivious is very possible.

You should probably google words before you use them incorrectly.

That’s not a flex. That’s me pointing out credibility. There’s a difference. Considering I said it to prove that I know more than you.

The fact you thinking it carried just confirms you’re clueless.

Am I being carried in Palace? O wait no comment because it shreds your clueless argument. You probably don’t even realize I wasn’t playing hunter in season 3.

Never said I don’t do LFR. It’s just another terrible assumption by you to deflect from your poor argument.

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For LFR? yes personal loot for LFR idk why they did not do that.

Dude, its not me, many people called you over for it, you think you are the only right and everyone is wrong just show you are a narcissistic fool.

It was not “implying” that, because i said i wanted to see the roll, actually implying i knew there was a hidden roll that i should see.

You actually don’t know how to read and keep talking crap about others “needing to learn how to read”, like i said, you have your head so deep in your a#s that you become the joke of the hunter foruns, want to be a joke here too?

Lmao, dude have zero self awareness.

Just keep talking crap about BM not doing tank level damage, you are a one trick pony.

Like do i care? i don’t go seeing other people profiles to flex like you do, i know you got carried because other people did and exposed you.

group stacking happened

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Yes, because back when PL existed people never complained about not getting loot.



GL = PL with exposed rolling
Neither option has bad luck protection, and if anything, you’re more likely to get loot with GL because people have the option to pass, which they don’t with PL. Tanks and healers are also more likely to get their specific drops under GL due to all loot (aside from a couple purposely rare items) having an equal chance to drop.


Why was this bad? If you can organize that many people, good for you, and then if you’re a pug, just remember that pug life isn’t ideal, and join a guild.

why was it bad ok lets say you are the only cloth user in that lfr guess what no loot

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And you like a majority of other people can’t actually read. I have on multiple occasions stated that bm isn’t doing tank damage but needs its aoe buffed.

That’s why you can’t quote me once saying that BM aoe was fine. It’s because I never said that.

It’s just you and the ready of the hunter forum can’t take personal responsibility for doing tank level damage and want to cope by blaming it on tuning.

A bunch of below average players not being able to read or do above tank level aoe damage isn’t ever going to make me a joke.

People on the hunter forums just can’t cope with being the fault for their poor damage.

Keep parsing then greys and blaming tuning my guy

You care enough to keep bringing it up and mentioning it.

Even though logs vastly prove that wrong.

No one exposed anything. You can’t provide proof to either the claim I said Bm aoe was fine or the claim I was carried.

It’s why you won’t use logs to back that claim up because it literally destroys it.


I have roll under 40 for everything on 3 different characters since LFR started this xpac…I definitely feel you.

Again, just like you could not read what i said

stop being a hypocrite

Also, Say the line Snozy!

Like i said, one tricky pony

Keep showing your credibility~~ you sure are making a name for yourself.

I can’t get over how there are still players that think there is anything remotely resembling RNG in WoW. All results are designed to maximize shareholder value. You don’t win rolls because it makes it more likely that you will eventually buy a token to pay for a crafted piece of gear.