Need to go back to Personal Loot

RNG do be random. That’s proof of absolutely nothing though.

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Just now i lost a ring to someone

The part that pissed me of the most is that we both rolled 97, and he for some reason got it, there was not even a second roll for a tiebreaker that i could see

Seriously, this system is awful, who the hell brought this back again?

Been saying this for years.

I won 3 items off a single boss in raid tonight. That couldn’t happen in PL without trades.

Bit unfair to the others really.

Tom, Sally and Jimmy all line up and I tell them to throw a rock against a wall. Closest to the wall gets free lunch. The caveat is that they have to throw it under a sheet that’s hanging up so they can’t see the wall.

They all throw and Tom gets closest and I announce Tom the winner and he gets his free lunch.

The next day they come back for round 2, but this time they say that they felt it was unfair that they couldn’t see the rocks and want the sheet pulled down. I say sure. This time Sally wins.

Scenario 1 is personal loot. Scenario 2 is group loot. Same outcome. Rocks get thrown, closest wins. The only difference is that with group loot you can see the rocks.

As per your tin foil hat theory of groups all rolling and funneling gear; well; they can do that with personal loot too. If 3 People in their group win loot, you still don’t. It’s no different than them needing on stuff they don’t need.

You not understanding the information doesn’t mean it’s disinformation. Lol.

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I would love to see the stats. I ran like 4-6 toons throughout most of those xpacs and I would basically put money on getting 2 items each full clear.

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It does maatter because you responded. Id love if you didnt actually care, because then I wouldnt have to respond, and not have to explain something im able to see to somebody that doesn’t.

In Shadowlands, drops were 1/5. I don’t recall if it was different in BfA, so I’ll use SL as it is the closest reference point for Personal Loot. In Dragonflight and TWW, drops are 1/5. Your odds of winning an item are still the same out of the gate, but they will go up as people get gear and either pass or are unable to roll need on items that drop, which was not a thing in personal loot.

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But you can still only need on your main spec stuff. So you’re only rolling on gear for your class and spec. It’s no different than them just dropping it in your bag.

A 1h sword getting dropped in my bag is no different than me rolling need on a1h sword that drops.

Yes, we did this for personal loot.

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There is it’s just invisible.

Considering Pl was ten times worse.


You’re seeing random numbers and believe it’s a pattern when it’s not. There’s really not much of an explanation needed tbh

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Ok let me explain this to you a little easier.

I main spec BM and offspec SV.

Boss A drops an SV weapon. I swap my “loot spec” to SV for that boss. Even though I’m playing BM I can hit need on the SV weapon and it treats it as my main spec.

Boss B drops a weapon for BM.
I swap my “loot spec” back to BM.

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You can do that regardless of whether it’s group loot or personal loot.

It works the same way. Lol

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Personal loot should be the default for LFR at the bare minimum


This is what should happen. Right now in LFR everyone just needs everything so may as well make it personal loot.


No. It’s a raid. It uses the system for loot in raids

I WISH… No, Blizzard wants you to be forced to do all 3. If you want to be max geared, you CAN NOT only do one of the above. You literally HAVE to do all 3 to be max geared.
EVERYONE seems to agree that they would like to be able to get fully geared doing any form of content they like not being forced to cross all of the contents…

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Lfr hardly qualifies as a raid tbh

Personal loot was horrible, at least with the current system you can actually see the loot and have a chance at it by rolling, on PL you never saw anything and it was even more random and dependent of the bad luck protection for you to get something that probably wasn’t anything good to begin with.

If you want guaranteed loot you can always go do a Bountiful Delves.

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