Need to go back to Personal Loot

You’re not supposed to follow that up with nonsense though lol

yeah this would be the best solution. let ninja looters and troll looters run rampant in their premades and guild runs since they want it so badly.

let us pugs and LFG enjoy our personal loot heaven in peace.

but this would make way too much sense so of course cant be implemented. :laughing:


no idea if thats true or not but it did feel like you didnt need a guild at all with personal loot, so it would make sense.

guilds are pretty much a dead concept anyway. a lot of pugs these days push normal raids and heroics.

legion and BFA when I last played I would never go a raid without a drop of loot either 2 or 3 items if lucky on a full clear… I’m not talkin LFR either I couldn’t give a F about LFR PL. I want baseline PL on normal/heroic/mythic and the option to master loot for guilds.

on a positive note I won a piece of gear in a heroic raid but it was my mates BiS so I gave it to him.

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Nope they are not.

It would be like; If need/greed opened up BEFORE you know the loot. It then selected the top X amount of rolls THEN it will pick the item from their personal loot table and not the every possible item from the boss.

Except it is way different than it is now.

With PL, you didn’t have people loot specialization swapping on bosses, giving them priority rolls on loot that does not match the spec they’re in the raid as.

Mistweaver monk randomly just wins the very rare fist of princess is a level of feels bad without compare.

There’s zero proof its just rng. So, deal with it.

x doubt.

lfr tier > normal non-tier.

Heroic is a bit more questionable.

LFR should probably be personal, you can’t make rules like “1 item per person”

everything else though, nah

Sorry best I could find:

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ahh so you must be one of the bottom dps that somehow always wins the loot, that’s why you’re happy with FFA on every bit of loot…

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I agree that the system is broken. With the time-walking raid, which I did on 5 characters, I saw people get over 3 items, and I left with nothing multiple times. I does not feel right.

However, that is why I love Delves. There are alternatives.

Lol keep believing the devs are lying to you, makes no difference to me, but rng is rng, and you just got unlucky. There’s no hidden code preventing you from winning rolls lmao

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It seems to me it is the same. You see your roll on one and not on the other. Same thing at the end.

It’s not coming back. It was removed for multiple reasons

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trade it to someone else for an item they may get as a duplicate? armor stack groups? ish run with a guild even with PL eventually people will get doubles to trade.

as someone who thrived with PL, yes you want it back.

Yes you did. Rofl. People did that all the time.


Personal loot isn’t gonna change that. Sometimes you just don’t hit for a while

literally not true, EVERY raid I ran in BFA an Legion I received avg of 2 items per clear… it was actually worth running…

literally not true, EVERY raid I ran in BFA an Legion I received avg of 2 items per clear… it was actually worth running…