Need to go back to Personal Loot

That would be true if you only kept your loot spec the same for each boss. But you can change it on a fight per fight basis. Looting for DPS one boss, tanking on another etc… Most bosses only have one trinket/weapon worth pining over and it will be a long time til those aren’t needed for main.

Today if you main rolled a dps trinket when your healing in the raid it could cause some friction.

I think that’s the real issue for some.

It irks me a lot I dunno why but even when we had personal loot, people would be in here complaining that others with high ilvl items should be sharing their loot.


Your tinfoil hat is cutting off blood circulation to your brain.


They don’t want equality they want what they view as equity. Although in my opinion that’s a distorted view on the subject since everyone who plays this game starts off at the exact same place.


Personal loot is fine for lfr, and m+. Nothing else.

LFR isn’t even worth doing imo - you get worse gear than from an EZ delve and if you max delves you can unlock 616 choices in the vault.

Even a few low keys are more rewarding than LFR and are way, way easier and faster to accomplish, especially if you have a tank spec.

I hate raiding myself though and LFR is worse than pugging heroic raids.

Wow im catching strays lol. I am not that guy, and he isnt me. We dont even type similar or anything lol. Who is living rent free in someones head? LOL?

Bro you are me now. We are one. We are the same…

Lower geared players who win and heigher geared players who lose don’t come here to complain. It’s only the one who feel entitled to every drop they want that do.


Oh common. Thats overused. Not getting a drop in 20 bosses is not feeling entitled at all. Thats balogna.

Wanting a drop every boss, or 50% of the bosses is entitled. Wanting to be rewarded for your effort is not.

Every boss drops crests and counts towards loot in the vault, to say you are not getting rewards is disingenuous. Yes, it sucks when you have cold streaks, but there is something available and your odds increase as folks fill in their slots.

Ok, fair enough then. I still think the system needs work though.

Exactly! And most likely it’s random people you’re playing with. How would anybody know if the person with a low ilvl asking for loot just isn’t on an alt with an 640 ilvl main. Everybody is there for their own reasons, or they wouldn’t even be there.

Ok, what’s the official expectation? Because whatever the number is, it was still a problem when all the same folks complained with PL that people weren’t giving their winnings away, so that can’t be a solution. It doesn’t even guarantee you won’t have long droughts without anything.

I think a piece a full clear is fair. Yea, we get the vault, but it doesn’t feel good doing something for nothing.

Is it wrong of me to think that blizzard has totally fixed that issue by adding multiple other ways to get items in the game? From delves, vault, world bosses, timewalking raids and everything else… how is anybody feeling unrewarded

No i mean delves are great. Theres always something at the end, and sometimes during.

Im speaking specifically about LFR, not any other aspect of the game. I think the game is in a really good place overall. I just think LFR loot is better with personal loot.

Exactly. We didn’t do something for nothing. That’s the guaranteed piece, and a lot of people will also have gotten a drop.

If everyone is guaranteed one thing from a full clear, you could pretty much just drop after you got your drop in an LFR because you’re not getting anything else.

I’ve discovered your best way to get loot is by getting into an LFR with less competition. I discovered this accidentally by getting into one where only 3 total people in the raid including me were on the same set token.

Basically your best shot at LFR set items is to get into an LFR with minimal classes on the same set token and just leave if it’s not ideal and try again later.

The anti-personal loot people talking about how easy it was to manipulate personal loot are particularly silly since you can manipulate this system as well.

It usually helps to understand how the system works before claiming it’s broken

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You aren’t manipulating it the same way PL did.

Like it’s pretty clear you don’t understand how it was exploited by that comment.