How is that any different than them queuing up specifically to try and get items to auction off? The game gives it to them regardless of the player voluntarily clicking roll need or personal loot forcefully making them roll need.
This has been a complaint since GL became mandatory in raids. Blizzard has done nothing, which suggests it is intentional. I wouldn’t raid under these conditions. I can’t be the only one.
So you don’t understand how the different loot systems work. Got it.
I recently did BT on 4 toons… only 1 got 1 pc of loot while I was there. I turned to my beloved and said… “It truly is TBC raiding right now, I didn’t get a single bit of loot in this 40 man.”
Yesterday I did LFR, Normal, and started to do heroic. I got a single piece of loot from LFR because no one was a DH. So I won a glaive. In Heroic, I got a BoE drop. That’s about it.
This is just how raids are, it’s not about you gearing… it’s about the people you play with also getting gear.
Stop thinking of yourselves and start thinking about your team.
Except that the system prevents people from rolling on every item, even within the items I can equip. My druid took a hero tier chest out of my vault yesterday; if i go into either LFR, normal, or heroic raid, the option to roll need on a Mystic chest tier token will not be available. I will only be able to roll mog or greed on it.
Under personal loot, there is no such protection. The system had just as much of a chance to pick me for loot as anyone else, and then select my tier token as the loot item I receive. This gives everyone in the raid who might need a Mystic tier chest token a better chance at this item when I’m in that raid than under personal loot.
There are reasons to prefer personal loot over group loot. But so many of the posts demanding personal loot return, such as yours here, blatantly misrepresent how the system works compared to group loot.
sorry but their ain’t no team in LFR.
People keep saying that there is zero difference between group loot and personal loot, when the actual fact is that NOBODY EVER GOT MULTIPLE PIECES OF GEAR OFF THE SAME BOSS WHEN PL WAS STANDARD.
That is where you fail, and if you don’t understand it I cannot help you.
Rest assured, being a lowly poor person that I am, your inspection will not see my true need for the occasional one that I win.
So, raid with 3 cloth DPS, 2 full mythic geared enchanters, 1 in starter gear.
You’d rather the mythic geared characters get the gear, just to prevent the one undergeared guy gettin 2 items when the boss drops 2 different cloth items?
Yeah but the loot wasn’t being rolled on by them. Personal loot had a separate algorithm.
A prot warrior losing a shield to a ret Paladin (that set their spec to prot) wasn’t the prot warrior rolling against the Paladin for the shield.
I haven’t heard one good argument for group loot yet. It’s all just damage control instead of any good reason. All things that can be prevented easily.
The game gave it to you with PL because you decided to roll need on everything as soon as you entered the instance. It just saved you pressing the button after every boss.
That sounds like something you should not do. It is irrelevant what they have.
I wish for its return just so I can get offspec gear.
Everybody has the same chance of winning stuff.
You couldn’t get offspec gear in personal loot as easily as now. It would always reward an item for your current loot spec if you won, whereas you can roll offspec now and win if nobody needs for mainspec.
A “good” argument is subjective so you could say that regardless of the quality of the argument put forth. Group loot increases the odds of lower item level characters getting gear compared to personal loot. It seems like that should be a “good” argument.
The benefits of the current group loot system is that it’s potentially more tailored to who’s in the group versus personal loot.
If an item drops that is an ilvl upgrade for me, I can pass on the roll of I know I’m going to get a better item from some other source such as a crafting work order. Me passing lets whoever else needs it have a chance to get that item.
With personal loot, the game might have given me that same item, but because it was an “upgrade” the system would not let me trade it.
Neither system is perfect, and as with all things each has pros and cons. I do prefer the one which is the most transparent and flexible, which is group loot.
I agree that people in higher upgrade track gear shouldn’t be rolling against people with lower tracks. There should be a roll between need and off spec need for upgrade track.
Everyone should have equal opportunity for loot (a fair roll) if they parricipate in the same thing. Its not a charity run.
This priority to lower geared players doesn’t seem to be working well. Since every week we get the same arguments of higher level geared players winning rolls.