Screw disenchanters, eh? But joking aside, players will wear different pieces of gear for different things. That raid piece I needed on might be better for feral but the piece I have on is better for resto. Forcing me to vendor one for the crime of having a competitive piece for other content would be absurd.
Group loot drop rate is identical to Shadowlands personal loot drop rate. The same number of items are being distributed across the same number of players. Any one player’s odds can be different, but as a collective the average chance at loot has to be the same. In order for you to walk out with less loot under GL than you did under PL, that necessarily means someone else walked out with more. And while it sucks to be on the bad side of RNG, nothing prevents you from being on the good side next raid.
You need to specify which expansion you’re referring to because Blizzard has changed the drop rates.
But now that we’ve cleared this up, you’re trying to assign one aspect of the loot system the blame while using the entire aspect of the loot system of your preferred loot system as justification. It’s actually a fairly disingenuous way to argue.
Blizzard reduced the amount of loot that dropped and ended bonus rolls going into Shadowlands. That is the reason why players are getting less loot in DF when compared to BFA. The same amount of loot was going to the same number of people in Shadowlands as we are getting in Dragonflight, GL or PL has nothing to do with it. Blizzard could very easily increase base drop rate to BFA levels and add bonus rolls back today without moving away from GL.
And for the items Blizzard insists putting into raid that are so BIS for some specs that LFR quality items are better than the next best max mythic level alternative, higher geared players shouldn’t be able to roll?
LFR should have stayed personal loot. Everyone told Blizz it would cause drama, but we were ignored. That said, even with Personal Loot, that person could have still won the item. You just wouldn’t have known who got what. It’s more of a mental thing, then an actual logistics issue.
But it’s perfectly acceptable to do it with PL? Where you can’t even pass or give everything away if you want to because of trading restrictions.
These dissatisfied players need to actually learn how the current system works in their favor instead of being mad that other people got to also try for loot.
There was the same drama with PL. Same threads every week (probably the same posters TBH) but instead of “meanies rolled need” it was “meanies didn’t trade away their loot.” The issue isn’t the loot system, it’s that someone else won.
And it’s even more ludicrous that people who swear they need the drops for performance have been asking for the old system back when it gives them a worse chance of getting it! With PL, the geared toons do way better getting gear because it’s not restricted like GL. (Even the not high geared too, I’m in all LFR/Crafted/open world gear and I can’t roll need on most stuff in LFR anymore.)
It’s hilarious watching people cry over LFR loot when after a few weeks of emerald dream quests and upgrades you’d have comparable gear. And can use your renascent dreams to upgrade it to tier. So you can’t even complain about not getting tier.
Honestly do low level M+ for a day too. Fake dungeons to get veteran level gear /‘s above convert to tier.
Geared people want transmog too. LFR fyrakl trinkets can be upgrade to hero level gear 476.
Loot isn’t yours by the virtue of you bringing a scrub toon. You have a chance to win like everyone else. So roll. If you win you win. If you don’t that’s life.
I did a pug normal last night and this guy tries to trade a back and a belt for a caster trinket. I’m like bruh, you can just craft those, with better stats. You can’t craft a good dps trinket.
Was in a 70% guild group killing smolderon on my hunter trying to feed signet to our DH reroll (one of our officers swapped from shaman to DH because our DH left the guild and we didn’t have chaos brand anymore)
I won and handed it to the DH.
I got two whispers from the pugs asking to buy it.
One guy was like “signet brand isn’t good for’s my bis. Your bis is bark and pips”
That right there is the issue. People feel so entitled to loot they can’t stand to lose.
I wasn’t saying disenchanters would be rolling to disenchant the new item, just that they wouldn’t be able to shard their old item when they get an upgrade if it was auto-vendored.
So, personal loot?
I mean were you really sure you needed that neck? One can never be too sure…
don’t use it as a main source of gearing. Your need for gear equals someones elses need for Transmog… the instant they made LFR have its own gear looks you forfeit all rights to upgrades over those players doing the carrying of the fights for the transmogs they want
IDK the system works pretty well to me, i’m basically BIS, not that doesn’t mean i cant join as a different spec and need everything possible. If i win the item i simply post it in raid chat with WTS . Sure people complain, but you’d be surprised how many whipsers i get and gold i get from this behaviour. Blizzard letting me need items and trade gold cross realm is a problem they created shrugs
To be honest. Getting tired of these posts every few days instead of people adding onto another post already started. Feel as if the original poster in each post is just trying to start an issue. We get it, the system is flawed because of the way the rules are set and how each person interprets those rules.
The original system was Need before Greed. The etiquette for that was if it was a gear upgrade for your character you rolled need. Even if you could roll need if it wasn’t a gear upgrade for you, you should then roll greed or pass.
When they added trans mog to the system but then didn’t separate the rolls, trans mog players found out quickly that the only way to get that color scheme they lacked was to roll need on it as well. This now took a gearing path away from LFD, LFR players as they now had not only to compete for gear upgrades of other players but trans mog hunters as well.
This problem will not fix itself because the players have put value on their time and if the system allows them to roll need, they are going to, for trans mog or greed to sell it back to someone for gold.
Several solutions have been put in by players over the last 5 topics, but the person in charge of the game vision of dungeons / raids has not as far as we know tried to solve the issue.
If you own a higher version of the piece, you get all lower tiers. This however might lead to less higher-level players in LFD, LFR content helping out.
Add a separate roll to the system, in that if you select trans mog, you get an appearance only version of the piece. The person needing the upgrade still gets their version but the trans mog person gets theirs. This will still keep higher level people coming to that content.
Add color tint into the game via Alchemy potions into the game. This gives Alchemy a chance to make some money and allows people that want that variant of tint access to get it. Again, this will lead to higher-level players from doing the lower content.
Seriously though we should stop making new posts about an issue we know is a problem and add on to existing topics. If the sole intent is to keep causing trouble and infuriate the player base, then you’re doing a good job.
May whatever loot gods you believe in have mercy on your rolls.