Need support on Mouse 4/5 autostrafing bug - still in the game

Hello, the game had a bug where users would auto-strafe when strafe commands were bound to Mouse 4 and 5 buttons. Back in May, Blizzard CS acknowledged the bug, handed it off to the development team and the development team was able to resolve the bug within build # (see below for reference).

As reported, this bug came back in September, but there has been no acknowledgement from Blizzard CS or devs this time.

Can we please have this bug acknowledged and worked on … again? It’s pretty game breaking for a lot of us that have used this feature for years and Blizzard has previously acknowledged the issue and fixed it. At this point, it doesn’t make sense that it’s being ignored for as long as it has been.

Continuing the discussion from Input (Keyboard/Mouse) issues since 10.1, character stuck running:

Not by posting in this forum, I’m afraid. None of the teams responsible for that fix come to this forum. You’ll want to relocate it to the Bug Report forum.

CS may have previously acknowledged the bug, but I don’t know what you mean by handing it off as that is not part of their job. That would be a task for the QA team.

Tech Support may operate differently, if you want to post it there instead.