Need mythic tracking in delves

Difficulty and progression need to be kept in the game, it gives people something to strive for and attain.

I’m already done most Delve stuff, just clearing some achievements. I’m approaching AOTC. I have a lot of BIS and my 4 piece. In a couple weeks I’ll have all my M+ achievements now that it’s open.

It blows my mind that ya’ll want to make this game easier. You’ll gradually erode at the integrity of the game until all that’s left is logging in and pressing a button to get free gear, so that everyone feels good and everything is “fair”. It’s absolutely childish - participation ribbon generation.

Play the game and stop being crabs in the bucket.


Oh know they are gonna threaten us with their insane pet battle levels. Whatever shall we do?!?!

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Eh, the gear from Delves is fine as is. It is good gear, easily enough to make a big difference when playing world content and delves and dungeons

its okay that it isn’t the best gear possible. Its a nice option for people like me who don’t want to raid anymore and don’t like mythic plus. I’m overall happy with them despite the rocky start and bugs

Yeah, the people like that who’ve destroyed the community generally have no idea it’s them. Sad stuff.

It would be impossible to balance solo delves at a mythic difficulty. Some classes aren’t able to handle solo content as easily as others.

Would have to drop purely from the highest tier of delve, and they’d need to tune the highest rank of delve to be as hard as mythic raid.

Delves are trivial content. You’re not supposed to get the best gear from trivial content.

You want the Mythic Track gear, put in the work and do M+10s or Mythic raid. There’s absolutely no reason you need mythic track gear if your end-game pillar is Delves.


You wouldn’t know that from all the complaints here. Also, I bet you don’t even have Zekvir’s Lair down.

The best gear in the game should be accessible to the average player. Not many players can maintain their attention span upgrading subpar gear every day, especially these days. It’s just how it is. If Blizzard wants people to sub more, then this is the route. Save the content that requires lots of time and memorization with others for titles.

No, it shouldn’t. If the best gear was available from the easiest content it would kill the more difficult aspects of the game because people will always go for the path of least resistance.

If you’re not capable of doing the content that rewards the highest rewards, then you shouldn’t get the highest rewards.

That’s because the people complaining here want free hands outs of the best possible gear without actually putting effort into the game. They don’t want to play the game, they just want the highest level of rewards just for participating.

If Blizzard wants people to sub more, then giving out free mythic track gear isn’t going to solve that problem, it will make it worse because people will get maxed out in gear much faster and unsub much sooner during a season.

Noone is asking for free or fast gear. Asking for more accessible gear is what people are asking for. Giving the average player slow access to the max gear lets them eventually overgear content thereby being able to do content at a level they wouldnt have before. This extends the playability of each season for the average player. Restricting access to the max gear behind mythic raid and m+10 limits the average player behind a skill cap that cannot be overgeared since they dont have access to the highest gear which actually reduces the player hours per season.

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