Need mythic tracking in delves

So can mythic raids and high m+. Good to hear, everything on the same page, well done that man.

To be clear, I dont actually care if the gear goes up in delves, I just cant stand the stupid argument that you don’t “need” x for y. MMORPGs need progression to fulfill their purpose as entertainment.

A brave new world that’ll be.

Well, they can cap it where ever in name, I suppose. The only real point is that gear tracking should cap lower than it does now. Content that takes a long time to memorize with others should offer titles as reward, and perhaps a slightly faster track to upgrading.

Just for the simple fact that most people don’t want to spend time upgrading subpar gear anymore. It’s de-motivational. Gear progression should not run through small percentile completed esports level content. Not because I don’t think such enjoyers deserve great gear, it’s just that having this dynamic as is alienates the larger player base from wanting to play. And that’s a problem.

People like keeping up together as a community in a task based system of play.

Here’s the recent nerfs:

Everyone needs the best possible gear in this game. If you want to actually kill mobs in the open world quickly or learn follower dungeons more quickly.

That old “you don’t need Mythic gear if you’re not doing high level content” isn’t a thing anymore and hasn’t been for a while because the game isn’t Raid or Die anymore.

Everyone probably doesn’t need Mythic track gear, but they most certainly need Heroic track and everything below. Also some of these players do actually deserve Mythic track loot for how much effort they put into the game.

People’s metric of entitlement in this game has completely poofed into dust, they have no idea anymore who should be entitled to what, especially when you have the top players exploting and cheesing nonstop and getting banned lul.

So Mythic+ players couldn’t cut in Delves?

Lol. So are they sweats cause theyre getting myth track gear or cause theyre doing harder content?

Like keeping up with what? All they need to keep up with is a sufficient iLVL that allows them to do content they want or are even capable of doing. In S4 of DF I only got to 522 iLVL because I ran enough lower level content, had a few hero pieces of gear I upgraded to max and didn’t bother with myth gear unless I got it from the vault and didn’t even bother to upgrade past what a 6/6 hero would have been anyway and I still got everything done I wanted.

What people don’t realise, especially those who use gear to cover their own inadequacies in skill, is that upgrading the highest iLVL of what you have will allow them to push that little bit further every time.

Trying to use champion gear to push into high keys to get myth gear is what makes this game a chore for many players and why many stop pugging, because pugs don’t want to put in the effort to run keys, get crests and upgrade what they have, they have THIS stupid ideology that it’s a waste to upgrade lower iLVL gear when you can just get the higher iLVL and upgrade that.

But what they don’t realise is all the time they spend trying to find groups or be accepted into groups for higher level content could be spent running lower-level content and letting them get to end game faster. Trying to join M7-10 keys or even finish dungeons while sitting at 600 iLVL is just a big waste of time, you spend too much time looking and failing keys then you would have if you just ran keys at your iLVL and upgraded slowly.

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Nah delves need to go DOWN in rewards, not up. M+ is way harder and rewarding garbage loot compared to Delves

Everything can be done with Champion gear if you are of extremely high skill. The % of players able to do this is miniscule though and game should not be developed around them. The other 99% of players need the extra gear to make up for skill to complete the content they enjoy. The gear progression should be available for most players all the way up to gear cap. Harder content should reward titles, mounts, tmog etc (bragging right stuff). Locking gear progression tracks on higher content is diminishing the player numbers in that content since the ones that cant hack it cant get the gear to overcome their deficiencies.

Can’t get into M+, doesn’t matter what gear it awards. M+ might as well not been released until December.

I think they are trying to make M+ as inaccessible as Mythic raid. Can already tell they are trying to limit access to it. You can only make it so insane, the other option is just make it harder to access, which they are for sure doing.

I know it will never happen, but I’d love solo delves that got harder and harder until they were impossible.

my guy I rolled through a delve 10 in 25 minutes at 580 item level just yesterday on a monk ain’t no way you are getting mythic gear from this even at 11

I still plan on doing 8 t8 delves just for the chance at tier gear every week 2/3 characters got tier this week out of great vault and the third got a weapon all 616

Yeah, mythic gear should be accessible to the average player. Keep M+ and mythic raids for titles and perhaps a small increase in how fast you can upgrade gear. People aren’t interested in upgrading subpar gear. This design is becoming archaic.

No thanks. Delve rewards are already too high of an ilvl for how difficult the content is. That or m+ is currently too low lmao


Youre so insanely cooked by God please stop speaking on these gd forums. Players like you just make the game insufferable to play. Get good enough to do the end game group content or alt F4 and chuck your PC.

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“Keep M+ for titles”

Actually some real braindead stuff. Title is already gonna be people doing +17 and higher while gear has always capped at +10. Cooked takes all around from a player that could never hope to get AotC without paying gold.

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What are they gonna do, form a group?