Need mythic tracking in delves

If this can’t be done until season 2, that’s fine. But let’s make sure it gets done. Soloists won’t put up with being second class citizens for long.


Would love this. F the m+ and raid this season.


Nah, it should cap at hero ilvl seeing as how easy it is. You only need to do Tier 7 to get 1/6 Hero gear from your vault.

For Myth track gear from the Great Vault for M+ you need to do M+ 10’s.

M+ ilvl table for reference:

They can add more mechanics for season 2. They should be on par with M+.


No they shouldn’t. Tier 11 is significantly easier than M+ 10. You are already getting free Hero track gear from Tier 7 and above.

Unless the only way to get Myth Track gear for the Vault is from doing Zekvir ?? for vault slots that give Myth Track gear. No.

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Fine with me

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I agree and I will raise my voice as a solo player! It’s not fair that we only get hero track gear while the sweats are racking mythic track gear! I hope enough people do like me so Blizzard hear us and rewards the solo players with their new “pillar” endgame expansion feature.


Just so they can nerf them all within 10 days like they did for the current delves?


What mechanic did they nerf? They only nerfed numbers and they tuned it!

The only sources of Myth Track gear is from doing Mythic +10’s for their Vault Loot (1 a week) and Mythic raiding.

Delves shouldn’t give Myth Track gear Tier 11 is no where as difficulty as a +10 (previously was a +20 in Season 3 of DF and before).

Now if you were a crazy person and did Zekvir ?? 8 times to fill your great vault slots and doing him on that difficulty gave you Myth gear, im fine with that. Otherwise no Myth gear from delves.

That’s why this game will keep bleeding players and the retention will be worst every season. There’s so many people that don’t care about M+ or Mythic raid that would have a big smile if they achieve something relatively hard in Delves and gets rewarded for it.


What do you mean too easy? All we heard last week was how it was too hard and impossible.

Strangely enough now that Mythic + started no one seems to care. Funny how that works.

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Well, ideally, the hardest content in the game like mythic raids should not offer better gear, but instead, titles. Running gear progression through infinitesimally small percentile of content players are willing to spend time memorizing with other people is just not viable MMO design anymore.

And people don’t like spending time upgrading substandard gear; it’s de-motivational.

The best gear should be obtainable by the average player. Not everyone. But the average player who puts in more than an hour a week, etc.

Delve 8s seems like a good spot to end gear ceilings. Tho I could see more mechanics added.

Another compromise would be granting super hard content a faster upgrade route to the gear you can get in delve 8s. But it shouldn’t be by much.


Aside from DF Season 4, a filler season, players doing M+ and raids were up from S1 to S2 and S2 to S3.

Because of a bug that broke scaling, it’s alot better now.

Because M+ gives better gear. Doing M+ 7’s give Hero Track gear from completion compared to delves champion track gear.

If anyone at all asks for solo delve nerfs, it gets removed.


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ok, only if we have that agreement for M+

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I agree that they need to nerf M+ a lot less, because god forbid the dungeons are actually hard.

After all, a lot of the people there are only there for the infinite free loot.

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Which serious, dedicated M+ players ask for it to be nerfed?
Pretty sure it’s the crowd that begrudingly does M+ “because they have to” that asks for it to be nerfed.

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This has been the case for 15 years now since WotLK. The hardest content gives the best gear.

I have good news for you, crafting gear is just as good as Myth track gear if you do the content for that drop gilded crests.

Delves are meant to be casual content for people who only ever do world content. Hero track gear is more than generous as 6/6 Hero is 2/6 Myth gear.

All the more reason to just make M+ about titles and bragging rights. But don’t run gear progression exclusively through it. People don’t like wasting time upgrading substandard gear. It’s just the reality of the situation. An overhaul to gear progression will bring in more players.