Need mythic tracking in delves

Well, that’s how they currently prop up M+ participation, so lets see how well it does if it’s no longer the best way to gear a character.

Well, spending a whole lot of design resources on content that actually only appeals to so few would be something worth exposing.

And I’m not saying remove all gear rewards, just nerf the rate so it’s no longer the best way to gear a character fast by not even close.

Oh yeah for sure. I’m not suggesting M+ shouldn’t reward gear. It just shouldn’t reward gear better than delve 8s. At best, it should be a faster track to upgrading maybe. But I don’t even think that’s the best approach. Maybe to start, if the change happened.

The point of them not dropping the best gear is so people doing mythic raid and M+ don’t have to do them to min/max. They’d have to split the gear like pvp if they did make delve gear scale higher.

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Honestly couldn’t care less about the mythic plus and raiding people who want to max and min.

However creating solo content that would be justifiable to reward a weekly myth gear would be very difficult.

They would need to design mage tower level content for it at the least.


So where would gear progression come from-- Solo delves? and everything else is titles and bragging rights?

It may be better to alienate the small population that does mythic raiding than the larger population that does not, but also doesn’t want to bother spending time upgrading subpar gear, thus quit.

Besides, mythic raids should only be about titles.

Once you start thinking that way the game might as well go mobile and be only world quests. Wow is a combination of multiple small populations and each of them should get a piece of the cake.

coffer keys, M0 and heroic raids. The hardest content in the game should be for bragging rights/titles and maybe a slightly faster track to upgrading.

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The question is, do you even need mythic gear? I done a T11 yesterday solo, no deaths, at 607 iLVL. You don’t need myth gear to do the content, and if you don’t plan to do mythic raiding or high keys, you just don’t need the gear.

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Well the M+ equivalent for heroic raids is like a +7 or +8.

In that case remove the Myth track gear and have Hero track gear be the best, will save us some ilvl bloat each expansion.

tbh same could be said for any piece of content…world wide first can down mythic bosses with just heroic tier gear

I think it’s kind of an OCD determination, or something like that. People like keeping up. This game is more of a task based game now than it is an esport – at least as far as what I get from how the community is changing.

It’s just not fun spending time upgrading subpar gear. I just don’t think it’s as good an idea as it used to be to run gear progression through such small percentiles of players willing to put in the time to master such content. It’d be better to make that endevour about titles.

I think everyone should have access to the top end gear given you are paying a sub and buying the expansions…if you put the time then sure why not give the top end gear? Why should people really care if the season cycle of gearing is so fast that it won’t even matter…you can literally wait for the final season to come out and be better then all previous combined lol.

Except when you upgrade your subpar gear if you replace that gear with something that is lower ilvl you spend 0 crests to upgrade it.

Say I have 6/6 hero shoulders and get 1/6 myth shoulders. It costs me 0 crests and 50% less valorstones to upgrade it to 2/6 myth because 2/6 myth = 6/6 hero.

Same if my 6/6 hero gear is the worst stats for me. It’s good to upgrade it to 6/6 because when I get a 1/6 hero gear with BiS stats I spend 0 crests to upgrade it to 6/6.

You should be upgrading subpar gear because of the discount system. Furthermore upgrading the gear will allow you to exchange crests to the next tier of crests, 90 crests for 15.

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I think there’s a happy medium. But that’s true about the seasons. In the end, I think the game is much more successful with a task based focus than an exclusivity through esports focus.

People like doing the content as a community together and keeping up with gear together. That’s why launches are always the most fun. Then the exclusivity starts coming in, and subs start dropping.


I’m pretty content with them capping out at hero gear, especially with the chance at the maps dropping that can lead to several pieces a week with a little luck.

Due to their solo nature, unless some sort of measure is put in to add pressure similar to M+'s timer, or significant difficulty is put in through extra mechanics (which would be a balance nightmare across all classes/specs) I don’t see mythic track gear, being a reward in the traditional sense, due to that it’d mean that hero track gear would also logically be more available, leading to a lot of farming from people who don’t necessarily want to do delves due to how quickly you can guarantee gear; being able to reliably gear in full hero on the first week of a season would simply be much better than the other options for gearing.

That said, where I do see it as reasonable is that if the bounty maps that are a rare chance can drop mythic track gear on the higher end. So farmable rewards still cap out at +8, and vault still caps at heroic, but if you are doing +11s, you have a chance to get a map that’d reward you with mythic track gear. Making bashing your head against a wall have a shot of rewarding the gear, but not so much so that it’d pull people away from other avenue’s they’d rather gear up in.

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People dont want to upgrade sub-optimal gear in 2024.

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Then Myth track doesn’t need to exist. All that you just listed can be done in champion-track gear, some even in veteran track.