Need more normal realms - asap

Just click the Blizz Tracker at top, you will see it.

what thread was it in

The ‘Extended Queues Expected’ one. But just click the Blizz Tracker - you see all the blue posts in sequence. This new one is on top.

For what it’s worth - the announcement yesterday for the new PVP realms came shortly after a similar realm-full post. IT looks like Blizz doesn’t watch these things as closely as we do. They probably find out things status at a meeting and decide what and when to react.

I expect they will add a pve realm soon

I’ve really been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but now it feels like you’re just trolling. Blizzard is not “favoring PvP and screwing PvE,” the players are favoring PvP and Blizzard is trying to meet their players’ demands. I get that you aren’t a part of that group, but that doesn’t mean they’re intentionally screwing you over.

I said this before when you gave your “server A fills in 1 day, server B fills in 3 days” thing. The PvP servers are filling up significantly faster than PvE realms, which means many more players want those realms.

PvE servers have only just recently begun to reach that same point, with them now finally reaching high/full so consistently, Blizzard can now look and say “okay, we’re going to need to bring more PvE servers up,” which they’ve already said they are watching for.

I guarantee that more PvE servers will be coming, but they will need to determine things like how many more they should add, what timezones those servers need to be and various other things that go into setting up a server properly, much of which may require looking at various metrics and data that they’re trying to collect.

And again, I’m not saying they are or should wait until launch day to bring more up. I am sure that with PvE realms reaching high/full now, they will bring more up soon, before launch day, so everyone has time to get their names and what not figured out. I was just saying that if there are huge, hours long queues on launch day even after they add new servers, they will bring more online at that point as well.

Also just for the record, Blizzard has historically paid more attention to PvE than PvP. It’s always been a big gripe in the PvP community, they’ve had to deal with PvE causing problems in their gameplay for years and years. Why would the suddenly start hating PvE after all this time?

Whatever dude…
look this is the point I am trying to get across

did PVP fill up faster YES
did they give them more servers to fill the need YES
PVE servers have now filled up YES
have we gotten any new servers? NO

simply put right now if someone was to log on they would see


do you know how that looks to new Players? Well heck we need to pvp cause thats the biggest part of servers…

Do you also know how much that pisses off PVE people who have no where to go and would rather not play at all if they had to PVP?

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Once again: absolutely none of us are saying that. What we are saying is that the servers projected to have extremely long queue times are the PvP ones, the ones that have been at “high” or “full” since the first hours of name reservation and continue to get more and more people rolling on them.

No one here is trying to say “we have enough PvE servers.” We’re saying “The PvE realms are not expected to be that bad. If/when they get to that point, more PvE servers will be added.”

As someone else mentioned, one of those servers was just marked as full. Blizzard is clearly paying attention to these servers, and this is a very good indication that they’re going to open more soon.

PVP dont have to wait til they are sitting in HUGE QUE TIMERS why should we PVE players?

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Yeah, I know. I’ve addressed this point numerous times. I agree with you that it’s time for more PvE servers. The point that I, and the rest of us, are trying to get across is that they just recently filled up. You need to give them time to get the servers properly set up and ready.

And, just to reiterate for the umpteenth time, I’m not even saying you shouldn’t be saying “we need more PvE servers.” It’s okay to make sure Blizzard knows there’s demand for it. I’m telling you that there’s no need to get so hostile and upset over this and accuse Blizzard of “hating PvE.”

I mean, some of them will be lol. Anyone who refuses to leave Herod will be stuck in a huge queue timer. But what I’m telling you is that you won’t have to. There will absolutely be more PvE servers opening up soon, but they’re going to want to make sure they have them set up in the optimal time zones and the like so that the maximum number of players benefit from it.

In short Blizzard is running a company and needs to cater to BOTH sides Equally not say hey we will take care of the PVP now and IF we need we can do PVE later

Actually there are a lot of things I could say Blizzard has screwed up over the years… HOWEVER in this instance IF the person who was on reddit was not ful of crap, then they have these servers ready to drop QUICK, so drop them and case solved instead of playing tiddly winks in the back room at Blizzard

Yes. Before the new PVP servers were announced yesterday, several hours passed with a number of them sitting on full. Blizzard is reacting . . . but it isn’t instant.

Guys, stop wasting your time with the OP. This thread needs to be locked lol.

What are you self appointed Distator and Blizzard mod too now? I guess thats right , if it is not what you want then the heck with anyone else or what they want eh? No one is asking or forcing you to read or respond, dont like it go to one of the threads that more suit you

Yeah, I can’t keep doing this lol. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he’s either trolling and got me good or just wants to be outraged.

Oh well. I tried.


When you have wanted something (( CLASSIC )) for so many years and now it is here and Blizz is screwing with things then dang right I am outraged. Guess if it was something you gave a crap about you may be as well

But then if Blizz gave a half a crap about what we wanted and needed to make this launch smoother, none of us would need to be outraged or even here at all

Take a pill and get over it. Nobody is screwing anything up. You will see a new PVE server soon . . . probably EDT only. The west coast will get one when at least one of their two PVE servers go Full.

sure we will, I will believe it when I see it, which at this rate will be in a few weeks. Blizzard is to busy catering to the ‘pvp’ servers needs lol

It seems to me an exodus of players from Pagle and Mankrik would produce a more balanced server overall on a 3rd Eastern normal server given how heavily biased both seem to be towards either alliance or horde?

I support more Eastern PvE servers.

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I think by end of weekend or on launch we should have at least one implemented EST PvE realm. Maybe more depending on launch and influx of sub’d players.

I have one toon on Pagle and feel with all three will experience long wait times. I dont want to resort to a RP realm.