Need more normal realms - asap

Lol, I wish I had the energy to keep up with it.

Well, it was a valiant effort! I applaud you.

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Hey I just got done making a fresh bowl of popcornā€¦oh well need to find another thread.

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Shut it down! Find a new one! There are some skeleton threads all heated up, letā€™s take our popcorn there.

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I donā€™t know if none of us are being clear or if youā€™re intentionally not getting it.

You were angry at how many more PvP servers there are than PvE servers and suggested that it was a failure on Blizzardā€™s part. Iā€™m explaining that no, itā€™s not. It might not matter to you, but it does to them and it matters to all of us in the end, because dead servers are worse than queues. PvP servers have filled up faster and continue to fill them as they are brought up, thatā€™s why thereā€™s more of them.

This example works against you. If server A fills up 1 in day and server B fills in 3 days, then there is up to 3x the demand for servers like A than B. Again, no one is saying that B should not have more servers, but there will need to be more of A.

I specifically say that I agree there needs to be more PvE servers now. But the game is not even out yet, thereā€™s still nearly a week for them to bring up additional servers before we even get to launch, and if there are massive queues on launch day for PvE servers, thereā€™s no doubt theyā€™ll bring up even more at that point.

No. Dead servers do not help anyone, they isolate people from the rest of the community and in the end force them to either experience less, reroll on a new server or quit entirely.

Seriously, Iā€™m not sure how much clearer I can be here. I agree with you that itā€™s time to bring in another PvE server or two, Iā€™m not trying to say itā€™s a bad idea or anything of the sort. And yes, I would also prefer that they do it sooner rather than later. Iā€™m not trying to tell you not to ask for PvE servers, Iā€™m trying to tell you that your outrage towards PvP servers is misdirected and your hostility towards Blizzard isnā€™t helping anything.

Bringing them up AFTER the frustration, and after the long ques will help nothing it will only piss people off. Also doing it this way will mean thousands will FLOOD that server and also create a Que timerā€¦ but hey if this is the way they want to do it with PVE then fine ā€¦ they need to do the same with PVPā€¦ cause in the end just doing /pvp does not mean your a special breed above the others.

well I dang sure canā€™t blame the milkman now, can I? Its blizzard who decides to favor the PVP and screw the PVE

Grim, you even posted the AMA response and still didnā€™t understand it? They said the estimate for Herod/Shazz was several hours, not for all full status servers. There is a major difference in the full quantity that Herod and Shazz have compared to the full of Whitemane. You are attaching long queues of ā€œseveral hoursā€ to everything which isnā€™t how they estimated.

You go right on reading what you want it to mean, and disregard what was actually said, by all means


Thats what was saidā€¦ what your reading is that it only means those 2 servers, I am sure if it had been the fact they would have said it in just those words

Wow, no wonder this entire thread is people trying to explain and you are still lost. Good luck! You keep up the sky is falling approach.

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The Houses are on fire , such as the baker house, we suggest firefighters be called.

That does not mean only call the firefighters for the baker house. IT means they are using the baker house as an example.

You are reading the AMA wrong. Full != queues that last several hours.

The fullest servers (specifically Herod) will potentially have queues that could last several hours.

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Logic and common sense! Thank you good sir!

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OK , LOL so you guys dont think we need any more PVE serversā€¦ FINE when the game fails look in the mirror and thank yourself and Blizzard for the failure

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Will do partner! o7

Bornakk just made a post about Mankrik being full. Iā€™m sure an announcement of a new PVE realm is coming soon.

Seeing a lot of PvE guilds rolling on RP for that reason.

Ironically, I do think we need more PVE servers. If both of the server options are full then they will need to open additional up. I just was against the use of the AMA information incorrectly to support the request.

Can you link that post