Need more normal realms - asap

in the recent Reddit AMA, the Blizz employees stated

On the most popular servers, such as Herod and Shazzrah, we are currently estimating lengthy queue times - up to several hours or more in certain instances. That is why we strongly encourage players to use the name reservation period to transfer their characters and their guilds to lower pop realms.

That’s a Great suggestion but only IF there are low pop realms to choose from, Currently we have

4 NORMAL realms ( all full)
9 PVP Realms
1 RPG Realm
1 RGP / PVP realm

This means it is IMPOSSIBLE for those wanting to play on a NORMAL realm to get to a Low pop as you suggested

Blue please do enlighten us?


This may actually need to happen.

The guild I was going to roll with originally picked a server for name reserve so I set up all my characters there and now they are talking they want to move to a less populated realm. But where? All the normal realms are high or full.

Plus, I’d like a shot at trying to get good names again or I’m just going to stay where I’m at with the sweet names I already got and the rest of the guild can just move away without me.


Yeah they just have to open more Normal realms. No doubt about it.

I’m on Grobbulus, which is still only Medium, and we don’t want non-RP players coming to the RP and RP-PVP servers out of desperation.


Yeah, sadly the Senior Game Producer Chromschi stated in the AMA on Reddit that they suggest we move to a lower pop (( Cant when there is none as you said)) and if not he goes on to say expect in some cases HOURS of que time.

all the great work on making the game ready is one thing but this is ridiculous


The two pve east realms (Pagle and Mankrik) are both full now. Could use another pve realm.


agreed with Kirr totally

now, will they? that’s to be seen, seems they are going crazy with adding PVP servers tho lol

Last i checked there was only 1 full pve realm and 3 high. Although i can see the issue with having 3 high as well.

Yep I agree I am from EST myself and know the feeling

I would love another CST or EST PVE realm…I’m currently on Bloodsail. When I tried to make a character on a higher populated server my name was taken (It holds sentimental value) so I’d like a chance to get it on a PvE realm.

Sorry didnt read ur statement before i posted. Rodger dodger on the full status

yep Full / high = hours of Que

There are two full and two high now. I only assume it will get worse at launch.


I expect new normal realms on launch day or the day before. I will likely roll on one of them if I get a queue of any size whatsoever.

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The problem is and always will be: “I don’t need to transfer… someone else will do it”. Everyone has that same though… very few actually move. They had threatened to force transfer people in vanilla before BC to get people to move. Only then did people actually move.

The full/high of the PVE servers are not nearly the same as the highest pop PVP full servers, like Herod. It’s not going to be hours of queue. It took a very long time for the PVE servers to hit full/high, compared to the PVP which were all mostly high/full early on.

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Waiting that late will screw people who want to get their names reserved tho

They are seeing a lot of that with Herod, but I don’t think thats the issue with PvE servers. We simply don’t have enough because we have no where to switch to. Probably need 1 more eastern normal at least.


I just wish we had better numbers. It’s so hard to gauge this without wasting all our time with server selection. Not to mention the looming “drop off” which no one can determine an honest % for.

Just bums me out, ya know.

I’m also hoping this is the case, as we don’t really any other choices for PvE east realms

All the lone wolfs want a lower pop server for sure haha.

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