Need more normal realms - asap

It’s not really ridiculous. To be clear, I agree that it’s time for another PvE server and they will undoubtedly add at least one more, there’s obviously demand for it.

However, I say it’s not ridiculous and this isn’t an “EPIC FAIL” because the server populations are different. Like Darknesself and others were saying, the PvP servers grew significantly faster than the PvE ones have - in the AMA, they said that they are still expecting a couple of the PvP servers to have hours long queues unless people move.

That’s why there are so many PvP realms compared to PvE. It’s not that they don’t feel like supporting them or prefer PvP servers, it’s only that PvE servers have taken considerably longer to reach this point.

They have confirmed that they’re ready to open more servers as required to prevent insane queues. But remember, it must also be balanced with maintaining a healthy server population in the long term; being stuck on a perpetually low realm is generally not a fun experience.

In short, I agree that they need at least one more PvE server (and very possibly more) and there is no doubt that they will add them. But the lack of additional ones thus far is not an indication that they’re ignoring PvE or are reluctant to have more of them, they just want to make sure that we don’t have a repeat of the original launch that resulted in a large number of essentially dead realms.

That’s fair.

Like I have said it doesnt matter to me how fast a server fills up… for example

server A - fills in 1 day
Server B - fills in 3 days

They are both full, both needing a new server, period.

Yes I get the need for a HEALTHY balance but this is not it…
Yes I get that they said they would open new servers as needed … PVE needs it NOW not a month from now

As for essentially dead realms in vanilla, yea we had them… we still do even in BFA it happens…

BUT I would rather have a couple servers that are dead LATER than a huge Que NOW ,…

I tried to log in to the servers a hour a go to check server capacity and had a 23 minute Que… and thats NOT even the launch

I’m guessing that a really, really huge number of Classic players aren’t even subbed yet. They’ll probably sub on launch day. I was considering doing it that way, myself, until my will power failed me a couple weeks ago. They really need to add one or two new PvE servers before that happens or else they will end up adding them last-minute and people are gonna be pissed they couldn’t reserve names.

exactly, Blizz needs to dig their head outta thee … well you know… and do the RIGHT thing for once …

This thread is going nowhere, OP, you’ve already been clearly told(multiple times) how things work, but instead you only keep going on bashing with some odd theory of Blizzard hating PVE. I’d probably have better luck explaining it to a raisin. I’m done trying to explain to you.

Can you please post what server you’ll be playing on, so I don’t play on it?

All you’re doing is complaining, instead of listening to the responses you’ve been given.

That’s the thing, while Blizzard would prefer to avoid queues as much as possible, they would much rather have some queues of say half an hour for a week or two than have dead servers six months down the road.

What everyone is trying to explain is that the fact that it’s taken so long for the PvE servers to reach high and full means that the demand isn’t nearly as high. There might be space for another server or perhaps even two at this time, but likely not more.

If Blizzard were to release more than another server or two, they probably wouldn’t even reach medium before release.

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Your not Blizzard, so as someone else said earlier stop trying to be the self appointed ’ answer man’ cause your answers mean nothing over all, unless you do work for Blizzard?

30 minutes I can handle but not HOURS …
23 Minute Que was today and we are still 7 days away from launch

Also MEDIUM servers are a whole lot more desirable than ones which are FULL and have a Que time… I am on a Medium realm in retail and NO que at all

Like the others have said, FULL is a continuum. Herod is so full they’re expecting multi-hour queues.

They aren’t expecting that for any of the other US realms.

Dont know where you get that from

cause it sure was NOT said in the AMA

They started the estimated length for Herod in the AMA. I can quote it later if you like.

Herod Is the one realm they’ve been posting red alerts about in the US. Thus, no other realm should equal it.

A: On the most popular servers, such as Herod and Shazzrah, we are currently estimating lengthy queue times - up to several hours or more in certain instances. That is why we strongly encourage players to use the name reservation period to transfer their characters and their guilds to lower pop realms.

At no time did I see them say that this was only for the servers mentioned infact they said the most popular SUCH AS … meaning the two mentioned are examples only not the only ones who can expect this long que

otherwise they would have said ’ IF YOUR ON THOSE SERVERS MOVE TO LOW POP’

Run away while you can. Nothing you say will matter lol.

On board for this. My crew would hop to the new one. Mankrik is crowded for sure.

Disregard Darknesself they are just upset cause people see them as a self appointed ’ answer man’ who expects everyone to fall down and accept their word as gospel

No other realm is equal to Herod, that’s probably a good estimate on the queue there. They did say this though in regards to “full” pop servers,

“Hi starfishbg, we’ve answered these questions in more detail in other posts but I’ll try to summarize answers for you. Based on the name reservations we’ve seen, the queue time on some realms will be extremely long. We’ve opened up additional realms and we’re encouraging people to set up their characters on lower population realms for a better experience. This is a good time to coordinate with your friends/guilds to switch if they’ve reserved names on a full realm. We are considering integrating character transfer services later on, when players have higher level characters.”

Mentioning full servers, which includes Pagle and Mankrik. I believe someone people are just concerned that moving from one of those two, which are full, to the other two, which are high, won’t make much of a difference, particularly at launch and a new normal EST server is needed.

I would think Blizz should provide one if the numbers get there, and I would estimate we’ll get one at the end of the week. That’s my guess.

Especially if it’s a neutral server name. I was going to play Horde on Pagle, and Alliance on Mankrik.

The idea of playing on a faction-specific server doesn’t appeal to me at all.

I play mainly on PvP or RP-PvP realms, but I completely agree with you. There definitely needs to be more PvE realms since all of them are High/Full. Hopefully, they open up some more new PvE realms soon for you guys.

Lol, I’m not even upset anymore. I’m wasn’t even answering anything, I was just trying to explain to you.

No matter what anyone says in this thread even slightly going off from whatever agenda you have for this thread, you’re going to shoot it down. I wish people would read your other responses, to see how you don’t comprehend anything.

All you want for to do in this thread is push the idea that Blizzard apparently hates everyone who PVEs, if people actually read your other replies, which make no sense.

Ah, don’t give up now. You two arguing was the only thing filling my time while I wait for the 26th to decide to get here already.

And you are totally right, some of his responses are bonkers and actually hurts the argument that we need another PvE server.