Need more normal realms - asap

2 agressive?
Dont ya mean they want to wit on their hands and wait til the last minute with PVE servers while dropping like candy on PVP?

Just curious Darknesself your a PVP server player hmmm?

Obviously we will be seeing more PVE servers most likely. Iā€™m only going against what Grim is saying, because he is just saying random things that donā€™t even make sense, such as how he was suggesting PVE servers have as many servers as PVP(because lul, Blizzard hates PVE apparently according to him). Most of what heā€™s saying isnā€™t even backed up by anything, heā€™s just suggesting random things. If it were his way, weā€™d have 20 PVE servers and 12 PVP by now.

No I am not.

They stated on AMA (reddit) that people should watch the forums these next several days for updates on realms. (opening/queue updates/etc) Not sure how full Herod is, but they stated that the queue estimate would be several hours. (this means that the fan boys posting threads about not leaving arenā€™t encouraging a good behavior)

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agreed with you governor

No one cares about PvP players EPeen about which servers filled first and which filled later.

PVE has 2 full servers and one High and its still a week to go.

We need more PvE servers, end of story.

Speak for yourself. As long as they donā€™t grief RPers, I welcome non-RPers on BB because I realize theyā€™re necessary for a healthy server in the long run.

I agree with you Cayinasia

I have never in 15 years played RP I would like to think this crap is not what changes that

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Alright. I donā€™t mind non RPers choosing Grob because they want a mature community or their friends are there or something. I do mind them choosing Grob because the other choices are all full. They might actively hate RP.

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At this point Blizzard seems to care less about the PVE players , maybe if we war mode up?

At this point, queues aside, Iā€™d move to a new EST PvE server just because thereā€™s no way the name could possibly be as awful as Pagle or Mankrik. Itā€™s shallow, I know.

As for name I dont care but this is ridiculous that PVP servers are dropping like there hot, and PVE servers are left to wait.

Way to EPIC FAIL Blizzard

This is one of those complaints that keeps popping up on the forums that I canā€™t relate to. I understand other people have feelings about the name of the server but I honestly donā€™t care. It wonā€™t affect my game or time with my friends at all. Thatā€™s just me though, I canā€™t speak for others.

nope but what will affect both game time and time with friends is Que times

Imo itā€™s more likely BB will get the normal non-rpers that are looking for a lower server.

Not the best scenario either but I do hope they add another normal realm.

Oh, I know itā€™s super dumb and will have zero impact on my enjoyment of the game, but in my case, itā€™s as good a reason as any to pick a server because none of my old WoW buddies are playing.

I have names reserved on Pagle, Mankrik, and Bloodsail.

Iā€™d be open to moving off Mankrik/Pagle, but where to? Thereā€™s no where to go.

Mark my words.

NOONE is prepared for launch.

Half the world pop is going to sub on launch day and hour.

Weā€™re going to witness the big bang!

Theres no where to go because Blizzard dont seem to care about PvE even close to 1/10th of 1% as they do with PvP

Considering that processing the sub might take hours, they might want to consider subbing the day before launch. Assuming they want to actually play on launch day.

May want to consider a different game, cause if Blizzard dont get off their butts and add normal servers this is going bad FAST.

maybe thats their plan all along?