Need more normal realms - asap

Frankly Darknesself I dont PVP and could care less when it filler in refrence to when the PVE filled up. That is not the issue here the issue here is that we need more PVE because BLIZZ already said those who didnt want LONG QUES need to move to low pop NOW… CANT do that when the PVE servers are so dang full now can we?

They needed to think of that before making the suggestion

For the sake of numbers, this is not a bad idea. Open the name reserves a day to everyone.

Eh, now that I think about it, it may not though. Who knows how many people will make a name just in case and then decide not to sub. Or how many retailers who made names already don’t play. Or how many people won’t reserve a name even if its open to all and will play.

Its just another one of those things where no one will really exactly know how many people will be at launch, and how many will stay in a month, 6 months or a year from now.

I’m not sure I can get through to you, Grim, I’m not sure why you can’t understand. They will probably add more PVE servers, but that WILL NOT get rid of queues. You will be sitting in queue whether you like it or not.

Whatever server they open up that isn’t highly populated is just going to be quickly hit with a queue with temporary non-loyal refugees from other high pop servers that are just poking around until their main server(that they aren’t likely to move from) is free.

For reference, in the original survey, Herod(PVP) was mentioned as having 13x the population of Myzarael(PVE).

There is no escaping the queues at launch

Name reserve was barely a week ago. Sure, PvE took longer, there are fewer of us, but this idea that it took a long time isn’t exactly correct either. It was one week ago and we still have a week to go, and all of this before the game is even out. PvE is full and the game hasn’t even launched. It didn’t take months to fill, it took days, before launch even happened.

Will there be Que on low pop servers ? mmmmm YES I am not stupid BUT there will be a heck of alot more on FULL SERVERS

This is likely all correct and I agree. There will be queue times. They will probably add more servers.

There should be more normal realms player numbers will increase considering a main reason people won’t play is time, and if you can guarantee no ganks while leveling it will look less as a massive waste of time.

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I think it will increase as well. I know that’s one of the reasons my friends and I are going PvE. Time and lack of patience in our grumpy old age. I would bet some people who go to PvP to check it out will get frustrated and come join us over on the happier PvE side of life.

I’m expecting Barov to be announced later this week, probably around Thursday or Friday. They’ll probably hold off on more until later on. I’m not sure it would be a wise decision to roll on any server announced after launch, since it’ll be mostly people queuing up the server as a sort of lobby until their actual server comes online. I feel those servers will be the ones that will be hit the most by the population drop over time.

exactly I guess some people dont see that , or since they play PVP dont give a second thought to whats right?

Players = PVP servers are full
Blizzard = Oh NO we gotta add more

Players = PVE servers are full
Blizzard = We suggest you move to a lower pop realm
players = How
Blizzard = listens to the crickets


I’ve said in other threads similar to this, I would bet they have a bunch of severs already on stand by ready to launch as needed at the drop of a hat. They very well could end up ghost towns, which is probably why Blizz isn’t releasing them all at once all willy nilly.

Edit: That being said, we could use one of those standby ones now Blizz. Thanks :wink:

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releasing them all at once would be silly I agree but waiting til hours or even less before launch is STUPID

Blizzard is obviously paying more attention to PVP …

I was not aware that they wanted classic to be PVP and screw the rest yanno

Part of the problem is that most people are happy with their current server, etc. so most aren’t going to be willing to move. I think they will be seeing how the last two PVP servers fill up to make more moves.

I’m not feeling too bad about the current state of PVE servers though. I don’t think it will be too bad, most of the warnings had to do with the PVP servers. I don’t think they’d release 2 PVE servers at once though, probably just one.

It definitely won’t be the 5 hour wait time Herod is looking at thats for sure. Yeah, we’ll probably be fine. We’ll see come the 26th eh? But if they released a new one this week, I know for sure my entire guild would move to it. They’ve said as much already.

Like I told you, PVP had been at full status almost immediately(long before PVE even hit full). That is why they’ve been getting servers for a while. PVE won’t get a server until maybe the next few days. They aren’t releasing more servers until most are full, and that only happened very recently for PVE.

OK lets say it did happen as recent as today…

they need to get off the pot and hit the button

There is no need to be worrying. They’re obviously monitoring things, and making decisions as it goes along. They’ve already shown they will be adding servers when needed. They can’t go too aggressive though in adding.

I would think that Blizzard KNOWS the actual pop of these realms, based on the name reserve, and they have some magic number they wait for to release a server. That would be my guess. Just a guess though, but based on what they’ve said in the AMA, that’s what I’m thinking.

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I’d suspect as much. I’d figure that their realm population values at the moment are all manually put in, based on their statistics. I’ve seen servers drop from full to high at times, which makes me think they’re tweaking their estimates.

Irregardless of how long it took for pve realms to fill up. They are full. More pve realms are needed. Don’t know why darkness has appointed himself as the spokesman of when pve should come to exist.