Need more normal realms - asap

I can see them announcing Barov EST PVE on Friday or so. I think that’ll hold things over till launch. They may just let things go like this though, since people weren’t as interested in PVE servers at this time.

we may be, and thats great but I dont see us getting them. If we do at all it will be after launch in my opinion, and after people get frustrated with large wait times

What difference does it make if they are full now? Blizz can easily open 1-2 more Normal servers.

If they do they are asking for a crap launch experience for those who are not PVP

Full of PVE =/= the same full of the PVP servers. The same full you see on the PVP servers is way higher in population than that of the PVE server versions. The PVP servers were sitting at full for days and days, and only growing.

yes they CAN but WILL they? I dont know about you but I dont relish the idea of getting on at 6 and getting to play by 8 - 9 cause of the Que time

Full means there will be queues already and we are not even at launch day. Of course it’s obvious there needs to be more PVE servers.

Like I already said, there is NO escaping queue times at launch. They can add more servers, but you’ll still be getting queues.

Full is full. The fact that pvp servers were getting dogpiled way past full isn’t a reason to not open a new realm once servers get full. Both PvE est realms are full. Time for a new one, please.

PVP now has 7 FULL and 2 LOW …
PVE has 2 Full 2 that keep teetering from full to high

Yes, of course they will. Blizz isn’t emotionally invested in there being more or less pvp servers vs pve. They want players to be able to log on and play because that means $$$

I totally agree with you Inalyri and I dont think they need to wait til moments before launch to do it

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Dude, this isn’t some sort of e-peen contest. Blizz adding more pve servers isn’t going to affect pvp servers in the slightest.

Also, we could use 1 Eastern RP-PvP realm. Alternatively, move Grobbulus to Chicago and make it Central Time

Can always wait till launch day and make some new ones

your right, I didnt say it would but they NEED to add PVE now

The 2 low were added yesterday.

The PVP full were full for days while most of the PVE servers sit at low/medium for the time being. The PVP server “full” is likely 2x or 3x the population of the same “full” PVE servers. I don’t think you’re understanding that the PVE servers took a long time to even hit full, most of the PVE servers were still low/medium(aside from Pagle) when the PVP servers were all high/full and started getting more servers.

let me guess your a PVPer therefore not concerned on PvE, just a guess I may be wrong

They need to give people without sub time the ability to reserve one name on one server so they can get a more accurate launch day count and then open up more servers accordingly. Limit it to accounts that are at least X amount of time old so people can’t just make dozens of accounts to reserve names.

Sure, they can wait till launch, or after launch. Or never. They can do whatever they want really. I, myself, would prefer a bit earlier than that so I could reserve a name as that is why I subbed early. For example, before this weekend would be perfect. Just my opinion. But like I said, if not, I’ll just stay where I’m at and keep the names I already got on my full server.