Need more normal realms - asap

That may or may not be but I am not prepared to take a chance, are you?
A lil thing called if they didnt want to add more normal servers they should never have got on the AMA saying what they did

Right now I’m reserved on mankrik. If they make a new east PVE I’d consider moving because I didn’t get every name I wanted. But right now they only give you 2 options for your time zone, and all are full now. Seeing as how MORE people will sub up come launch, ya, we need more realms.


nothing to do with lone wolf , has to do with not wasting the whole night to log in

2 completely different subjects. I am a lone wolf and want a pve server with the lowest pop.

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Not to mention the issues later when they remove layering, as the devs themselves talked about in the AMA when urging people to switch realms.

They’ve already not only said that they’re willing to add more realms as needed, but they’ve shown it by adding new realms. So, if it becomes a problem for the PvE realms I’m sure blizz will make some new servers. Don’t worry too much about it imo.

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Yes I agree, and I’ve said this same thing before, they have shown they will add more servers as needed. Just wanted to put my two cents in that maybe PvE realms are about at that point.

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Your right they are showing they are willing to add servers (PVP Ones) but not seeing it on Normal yet and waiting til the last second will not help

Of course I will. Why bail early before even seeing anything, when whatever server that comes out is unknown in terms of popularity/faction stats, as well as server population over time. The PVE servers filled up very slowly, and if they release another now, it may not have lots of population over the long term, but that depends on launch.

Regardless, every server is going to be slammed on launch day whether you like it or not, regardless of how many servers they open. There is no escaping it. Might as well stay on your server pick.

If you’re looking to make a dedicated server choice for the long-term, then you shouldn’t be running off now, you should be waiting a couple weeks to see what happens with the servers, to make an educated decision.

Whatever PVE server they release now may only hit medium or so by the time of launch, unless a large portion of players come back during that time. It’s going to be clogged regardless of the reservations on launch day, from players from other servers(like Herod PVP) who join just to get on.

exactly … start showing the normal ( PVE ) servers some love and adding them not just PvP realms

I’m seriously thinking of moving my characters to BB, luckily I did play, and appreciate RP(I had a char. on Farstrider), but I wouldn’t want to see a bunch of people that aren’t into the RPing as much to have to move, and kill the vibe of the server


I would normally agree but a couple of weeks of long long queue times, nope

I don’t think blizz has any incentive to ignore the PvE realms tbh. I don’t know how they determine when exactly a new server needs to be opened, but it’s safe to assume they’re watching all of them and they are willing a release a new server when it’s needed. We’ll probably see a new pve realm soon if the others are all full now.

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sadly I am not RP but before I will deal with extra long Que times I would be tempted to move to RP

It’s happening no matter what server you choose. There will be queues. You’re crazy if you think you’ll be escaping queues early on in the game’s life cycle, especially as people come to check it out temporarily, and refugees from hour queue servers on lower queue servers.

There will probably be another PVE US server(Barov) coming in the next few days, but if that happens, that will probably be it until launch and they see what’s going on.

the others have been full for some time

Will probably get 1-2 new pve by end of week.

what the heck are they thinking… 9 PVP … 4 PVE … seems they may be nudging people who have no desire for PvP to go that way

Maybe Blizzard needs to look at a balance…
If you add 9 PVP add 9 PVE type of thing

No they have not(of the PVE servers). Pagle has been the only server that has floated between high/full on and off. The PVE PST servers had sat at low/medium for days. It was only the past couple days that they hit high. Mankrik had been sitting at medium for a large number of days, then it temporarily hit high before full.

If you took a look at the early Reddit survey, you’d clearly see that a large number of players decided they wanted to do a PVP server. There doesn’t need to be an equal amount of PVE servers at this time, especially when most of the PVE servers were sitting at low/medium for many days, while the PVP servers were high/full for that time being. The PVP server population dwarfs that of the PVE servers.

Maybe people will transition to PVE from PVP over time(if they get sick of world PVP), but that’s unknown at this time.

Though there is definitely a PvE community, I don’t think it’s as large as the PvE one (perhaps due to the misnomer that world PvE is all that makes vanilla what it is? I dont know). We’d probably be fine with 1 or 2 more servers.