Need help with Constant Disconnecting, Error WOW51900319

I figured out the problem, for me anyway. I had to uninstall add-ons. turns out files were corrupted. I just uninstalled and reinstalled and I have not disconnected once in the past few days. I was using DBM, details and plater. I am pretty sure plater was the issue and I did not reinstall it. I would reset UI as well after uninstalling add-ons.


Same boat here. I have tried every single thing, and nothing has worked. Had no issues until a few days ago, now I cannot stay logged in longer than 2-3 minutes before I get kicked out. I have tried all remedies, uninstalled, re-installed, DNS flushes, network refresh, no add ons, deleted WTF folders, updated everything that could be updated, you name it. No word from Blizz on a fix :frowning:


I’ve been having the same issue. Been trying to play all day but this happens every time.


Same sort of issues. My disconnects tend to happen from mounts but have randomly occurred in other ways. I’ve been going back and doing Agent Tournament quests from WOTLK and I get DC’d all the time when hopping onto a jousting mount. Landing on the ground from flying causes them as well. This has been occurring for me since I began playing TWW


Same issue here. I don’t think it’s us. Most here are running Windows I assume, but I’m on macOS and having the exact same symptoms. I’ve jumped through all the usual troubleshooting hoops as well. This appears to be on Blizzard’s end, not ours. Quite frustrating.


I think im going to have a mental breakdown. Nothing is worse than doing arenas or just simply standing in one spots and getting booted off. Same error code has what was stated. Can some devs please tell us what they think its really going on. I have 1gbs download 30ms latency and never had a issue for 16 years. I spent my own gold in game to play and this is what i get. Atleast refund me my gold or something. We are all sick of this and seems like bliz dosent care. Or they just say its our fault.

[quote=“Orby-angerforge, post:46, topic:1937426, full:true”]
I think im going to have a mental breakdown. Nothing is worse than doing arenas or just simply standing in one spots and getting booted off. Same error code has what was stated. Can some devs please tell us what they think its really going on. I have 1gbs download 30ms latency and never had a issue for 16 years. I spent my own gold in game to play and this is what i get. Atleast refund me my gold or something. We are all sick of this and seems like bliz dosent care. Or they just say its our fault. Had to post a second time in so angry