Need help with Constant Disconnecting, Error WOW51900319

Hello WoW support forum, I’m currently here because I’ve exhausted all other options to solve this issue myself and I’m hoping someone here can explain to me what’s going on.

Ever since The War Within pre-patch event i have been getting constantly disconnected from wow with the error code WOW51900319 which from what i can gather is a generic code. Side note I have a roommate that also is playing WoW and he is not experiencing any of these issues.

I’ve tried every step on the tech page for how to fix common issues that result in WOW51900319.

  1. Deleted WTF, Cache, and interface folder.
  2. Lowered background FPS limit, checked network for speed.
  3. Called ISP and confirmed there is no issue with my equipment or service in area.
  4. Ran the Scan and Repair tool
  5. Made sure all my drivers were up to date, including motherboard BIOS because at this point i was using an onboard WiFi.
  6. Allowed all ports via port forwarding.
  7. Completely uninstalled World of Warcraft and reinstalled
  8. Completely uninstalled World of warcraft again and installed on separate hard drive.
  9. Downloaded Wireshark to try and see what traffic was corrupted or failing that would cause a disconnect. (Didn’t find much because its all encrypted/not familiar enough with program)
  10. Completely disabled on board WiFi and purchased a new PCIe WiFi adapter that is experiencing the exact same issue.

None of any of those fixes have solved the disconnects i am receiving in WoW. I have played this game for the better part of 16 years and I have never had this issue before. I’ve done everything i could bar from completely buying a new PC but before that become my problem i want to exhaust all reasons as to why my game would be crashing like this. Any help at all or any way of finding out what’s at least causing it would be much appreciated.


I am having the same symptoms as this person. It seems like it is something that not many people have experienced. So I wonder if there is any discussion about this issue. I have tried all the solutions that have been shared, but I have failed. I am still having the wow51900319 alarm and symptoms.


This is happening to a lot of people myself included since prepatch. 2 days ago it stopped then yesterday we had a patch now same thing dc every 10 to 15 minutes about to give up and move on at this point.


I have even done a fresh install of WoW on a different computer with no add-ons and I still get the disconnects. It isn’t my ISP (Xfinity) as I took that other computer with me recently when I was traveling and had the same issues whether I was on my friend’s ISP (ATT) or on the hotel network. At home, I use a wired connection.

In the middle of a delve? Disconnected
In a dungeon? Disconnected
Standing around in town not doing anything? Disconnected.


How about a wired connection? Or have you tried another network, like a hotspot? WiFi is one of the first features to die off when a modem is on the way out.

What about Windows .NET updates? Are you applying those when they come up?

Could also be an IP collision issue. Hard to say since I’m not your network admin.

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Currently having the same issues. I have no changes in my network setup for all of Dragonflight. The disconnects are new.


I was going to make my own post, but it seems like this is the exact issue I am facing too, along with others following this post.

I also continue getting WOW51900319 disconnect error when playing the War Within. It might take a few hours before it starts, then it happens exponentially more frequently until its every 5-10 minutes. Generally, the disconnect occurs when I’m in the middle of action, looting an enemy, completing a questing, picking up an herb or dismounting.

I believe this an account issues as it happens across all my characters, on different PCs and different internet connections. However, the mediocre response from Blizzard sent me to the general troubleshooting guide (already tried these action) and to ask the Tech Support Forum.

These are the actions I have taken so far:

  • I have completely reinstalled my windows PC so a nice refresh of folders with no addons, and have only installed WoW and Overwatch, with all my graphic drivers updated (RTX 3080).
  • I have refreshed my WoW UI, do not have any addons installed/downloaded and I’m playing with graphic settings set to default.
  • I have renewed/refreshed my IP and flushed my DNS, and power cycled my modem and router – note I am connected via ethernet.
  • I am playing with my boyfriend who is on the same internet as well, and they do not get the error. I do not get kicked off Battlenet either, just the War Within game.

Can anyone please help? I feel like I have exhausted all troubleshooting problems and even did a complete install of my Windows PC to isolate any issues.

Help me Tech Support Forum, you’re my only hope x



careful if you try to say its bliz fault they will say its not over and over again. i tried everything before and i keep getting the blame. yet why is it i never had this problem back during Cata, or BfA. if i had connection problem it would lag just a little and come right back up. what changed that they made not us did they do to the game to have this problem?

I still have this symptom. My teammates kicked me out because I frequently lose connection. so very sad.
It didn’t happen in the DF. But it happened in the TTW.
I bought the early package and used it early 3days.
This usually happens within 10-15 minutes. It is not a specific action.
I use wired network. Because it’s a desktop.
I tried many things. but I tried all the solutions suggested but couldn’t solve it.

  1. I removed addons.
  2. I installed WOW again.
  3. I formatted my computer.
  4. I replaced the modem and router.
  5. I changed all the network settings that I could change.
  6. I changed lan cable

But this symptom still occurs.

Here is the last thing I installed wireless lan-card in my desktop.
And I used my smartphone’s hotspot. Then this symptom disappeared. When the IP-adress was changed, this symptom disappeared.
I can be sure of this. Blizzard must think that this symptom is detected by a specific IP. I hope they fix this symptom soon. I want to use wired network.


I am having a similar issue. Hard to do much other than herb. Seems to happen at certain times of the day more then others.
I have a fresh OS install, all drivers updated even on router. Fresh install of everything. Did the checklist of what has been suggested for a long time.
I am on a wired connection. I can have multiple Disconnects while my other half has had none. They are on a different server and a older computer.
It is frustrating not having any guild or community services and then disconnecting mid-fight in follower dungeons and logging back in dead. Trying to do the follower dungeons to see them since most group finder groups don’t wait.
Still trying to play despite the rising frustration level and looking for any information, but finding little if any.


Exact same issue as everyone has described here. Have also done all the possible options on my end. This is obviously something not on the player’s side.

Edit: I got one character to 80, and have been able to do absolutely nothing since.


its not on the player side. the day before and day after new expan everyone was having the WOW51900319 and it was on them but after it was cleared up or they say now its back to blaming the players. one day they will fix it. maybe after a few years but we know how they work or not work.

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I’m still not sure why you’re on this narrative, no one from Blizzard is blaming individual players. But disconnect issues are hard to diagnose.

I also tested via wired and wireless connection, still had the same issue. Then did testing with turning off TCP IPv6, as another post suggested this could be a fix. Still no luck for me :frowning:

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There’s another option to try, not sure where in the menu, likely by ipv6. Optimize for speed i believe.

I have noted that the majority of time when I am playing solo, it seems to be mounting then a disconnect. But when I am grouped, it can be a range of things. waaaah.


Having this exact same issue as well. ._.


Happened a lot on my mage and never my druid. Also had weird 45min queues on the mage during EA and not on the druid. I also cannot stay connected to the blizzard services.

I’ve stopped streaming Twitch/Netflix/YouTube, and I am not sure if that has greatly reduced my disconnects. I’ve been stable for 90minutes now.

I have the same issue, and it’s much, much worse late at night like right now, and always this WOW51900319 notice. It’s to the point I can’t even play. Disconnects every five minutes no matter what I’m doing, even just sitting still in a quiet area. During the daytime I might disconnect once an hour or two. Nothing else changes. Doesn’t matter if I’m listening to vids in the background, or have nothing at all running but WoW.

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