Need help figuring out parsing (Demo Lock)

Yeah I understand how parsing works. Some sweaty nerd is lonely and needs to fill a void in their lives so they chase a meaningless number in an EZ casual video game to fill the void that exists in their life that is left empty by not having any loved ones or partners to share their life with.

It’s a coping mechanism.

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OK lucid,
1.Ditch pendulum, pick up mark of the war prisoner from HVH, replace hit gems with spell power or spell power/hit. Replace every single spell pen gem they’re useless.replace your wrist enchant with spell power,boot enchant with tuskarrs, get a bigger thread on yoru legs,
2. I can’t see what glyphs you using, so look into grabbing our bis ones.
3. Looking at your recent patchwerk logs im wondering why theres so many gaps in your casts. If you’re moving you’re life tapping or casting an instant, you should never be casting nothing. Technically you missed a 3rd meta cast, 15 seconds under execute would have been a big chunk of extra damage.
4. Demonic empowerment casts is low, macro it to something you press alot, life tap fell off for 45 seconds, 30 of that was under meta. You dont have fel armor on… You didn’t use a potion during your opener or your second meta cast.

The best example I can give is my guildie Miraz on remulos. Take a look at his logs, he’s amazing.


Definitly someone you should look at @ OP
That guy has very good logs, whilst being far away from bis gear, showing that you dont need to be stuffed to get good logs.

This is such a wrong take LOL.

Untrue. You are NOT competing against all other warlocks. All 3 lock specs are split and you only parse against your own spec.

Typical frostfire being completely wrong and absolutely so confident about it. Honestly just skip the thread if you are going to be this absolutely wrong and misleading.



No it’s based on spec.

Wrong, wrong wrong.



And the others are demo, so telling some one that demo can’t compete and can’t parse well is just blatantly dishonest.

Demo is just as good as affliction right now.

I will be trying Demo tonight any pointers lads?

This is straight up incorrect. In any given spec for any given class your percentile is against others of the same class and spec

How could it be otherwise? A tanking blood dk just is not going to compete with an unholy dk


This game has become world of parses on one of the easiest raids ever. I still remember people even sweating over parses in MC in classic :joy:. What a joke. But back to OP you should just look at the top parsers and see what they do different. Also make sure you are using max rank spells, idk how many times I’ve seen people using lower ranked spells. Demo is far from weak right now and actually does insane aoe and more dps on shorter fights usually.

I use rank sentinel addon and my god it goes off all the time

Staggering how many people use rank 3 when a rank 11 is available

I am getting better about minimizing my movement, it’s a lot easier now that I’m afflic not trying to optimize positioning for immo aura. Plus having more short casts to keep up dots helps with mobility a ton and not being as reliant on my pet for DPS is nice since my felguard seemed to get clapped on certain fights (hagan the unclean for example) other than the dumpsterfire of content dunking on the mage for giving bad advice, a lot of comments were very helpful in increasing my performance, I’m not looking for 99s across the board, but I just wanna be a bit better than average :stuck_out_tongue: so thank you!

Watch Crix’s demonology parsing guide

I’m assuming you’ve gemmed glyphed and enchanted properly so i imagine its probably a rotation issue. You will perform better when you execute an optimal rotation, which you probably aren’t doing with gray parses.

Other than that it’s probably your guild’s kill times, which need to be relatively fast to get a good (80+) parse.

He’s a self proclaimed grey parsing rogue I don’t think he understands how wcl works if he can’t work out how to press 3 buttons on a rogue in the correct order lol.

Affliction could just be better on patchwerk and demo better in extremely short fights and fights just long enough to get two metas off

demo is not there for dps, they are there just to provide a strong raid buff, their dps is awful, nothing you can do about that.

A good Fire mage (once uld/icc come out) and Affliction are the main caster dps through the expac…this isn’t retail where every class “parses”

your a support spec…who cares about your parses lol

Demo is consistently one of the highest parsing classes in t7 what are you talking about? Even running full support without hit cap demos can still do very very good damage. They will fall off a bit in later tiers but not that bad


Demo is literally the 2nd highest DPS spec, it also has better burst AOE than Affliction…

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

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I wish what I was smoking was this strong :crazy_face:

The above people being toxic on each others parses are honestly the most cringe worthy thing i’ve read since the last thread frostfire posted in…

Onto subject of the OP, one thing that stands out when i view your parses is the kill times are very long compared to mine which from the start puts you at a massive disadvantage from the get go.

Make sure youre using meta and the rest of your CDs during lust and id suggest checking out some weakauras to make sure you notice your procs right away and try snipe decimation with r1 SB casts on any ad sub 35% health.
There are heaps of good lock videos from people like Crix gaming, NLG and Ahlaundoh. Althought the last 2 are mostly afflic specific its good to see what top players are doing.

Apart from the above basically gear + uptime + fast kill times = 99s. If youre missing 2 out of 3 youll likely not parse high.

But you gave bad advice so why should anyone listen to you?