Need help figuring out parsing (Demo Lock)

he doesn’t want toxic parse culture yet right now exemplifies toxic parse culture

You’ve never linked my parses so how would you know?

You are correct, the warlock did.

Nah he never did either.

You are all just circle jerking each other because you can’t operate warcraft logs or your brains.

I mean you are a ret so it’s kinda redundant what I said.

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You can’t operate a rogue?


Bottom tier pass rogue.


Not me…try again :person_juggling:

Ah, I see. I went and read through your replies. You’re not even an amusing troll. You have to not give yourself away so easily. “It’s a typo” - C’mon man, you’re giving trolls a bad name with this kind of unimaginative approach.

Disappointing. Didn’t even keep me busy for 2 minutes.

This forum needs better trolls. Lemonfont, Rdf, apparently Frosstfire; they’re all going with this bruteforce method of trolling and it lacks creativity.

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I don’t have any parses to give away in warcraft logs. I’ve been in NAX 25 once and it wasn’t logged.

I got sick BIS daggers though.

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Being subtle and getting the most replies to post ratio is the best way, these kids who spam their own forums with replies are clearly poor at trolling.

Blah blah blah, I’m a ret, hurr duur, auto attack. Droool, concecrate.

zero dps outcome

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like spamming mutilate is a much more skilled endevour

OP, I’m sorry your thread got derailed so hard by someone calling out another’s parses when he doesn’t raid / won’t link his own in the first place.

This is just sad.


I’m so sorry you joined and shared your useless comment.

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guys need to stop feeding frost hes a known troll

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I don’t troll. Mods have removed false flags from my posts the past two days.

Sucks for you guys who false report.

So here’s my logs (last ones, i’m not farming naxx and my sub is soon run out)
i don’t prepot, i don’t snapshot, i just refresh dots after last tick and spam shadowbolt/inc
i’m 3.9k gs
I don’t do literally anything special, so i can’t give any advice besides not trying too hard with snapshots, your stats are not that great to give it any major effect and one crit from shadowbolt will deal more damage


General tipps for better parses:

  1. Prepots/Pots in general. Check what kind of prepots your class uses, i assume for Demo its Wild Magic, prepot, and use a secondary pot during the fight.
    Try to combine the pots with other cds/raid cds, or use them in execute phases.

  2. Understand the encounter, your raid, and your positioning and timing.
    In the current content, movement is basically not an issue, but moving unnecessarily will reduce your parses. Knowing when to pop your cooldowns, how long the boss will take your raid etc. is also helpful for parses.

  3. Learn about the parse metrics.
    Several bosses have specialitys, such as not counting add dmg for your parse.
    For example Noth, Faerlina and Kel´Thuzad.
    Basic rule of thumb is, adds that are not a vital part of the fight, or could be abused for dps push only, are excluded.
    If you engage heavily on those adds, your ingame DPS might be good, but your parse will suffer.
    For example on one of your Noth fights i saw 16,X % of your dmg being seed of corruption - that is wasted dmg, because
    a) does not count for parse
    b) its not necessary for your class to engage in AOE combat at this encounter.
    Other classes can cleave the adds away, whilst also dealing boss damage far more efficiently, or have cleaving abilitys inside their ST rotation anyway (for example shamans with chain lightning).
    (and yes, it was seeds whilst boss is active, not seeds in pure add phase)

  4. Time… is percentile.
    Be aware that your boss kill time has a huge influx on how high you can parse.
    If your raid is generally on tho lower end of DPS output, it will drag you down a few percent.

  5. Check your gear, rotation and uptimes.
    From your patchwork logs, i can see that you still lack hit. Having 10% of your solfires be misses does not help your performance.
    at 3:15 (patchwork) you have a severe drop in output for about 15 seconds, dunno whats going on there, maybe not a fluid switch between normal and execute rotation, of the misses right at the start of execute rotation.

  6. Ask yourself and your raid, if you really require good parses.
    If you really want to have good parses, go for it, and if that is the case have a lookout for a seasoned parser of your class for some counceling.

I hope that was of help, and if you have more questions, im happy to try to answer them.
And since frosstfire is logshaming people in this thread:
my shaman dps

my pally

You can trust me on parsing :wink:

Edit says: Just checked on your Patchwork logs again, seems like you dont use Immolation Aura ? Or at least your not in PW range whilst using it. should be visible in the log aswell, and it is also extra dmg that helps for parses.


Hes dropped that hes sub, so its against the worst spec for rogues.

Are you using the BIS enchants and know Engineering?

Demo locks this xpac is full of sweatlords who want every small % advantage and skimping on enchants, gems on gear and Engineering just being broken OP for everybody. My parses are suffering even if im almost full BIS because I don’t got the meta professions. I enjoy making $$ with Herbalism and Potion mastery Alchemy vs Engineering which is a money burning pit.

Do you know how logs work? Demo only parses against other demos…