Need help figuring out parsing (Demo Lock)

You keep linking other people’s logs, while I link yours. Embarassing.

I’m sure your guild mate would give you tips if you asked. Dont’ be shy.

Man I love your meltdowns every time you get outed.

OOF blue on thaddius with buff.

hate to see it

Swapping sides must be to mentally challenging for you.


OOF blue parse on Thaddius.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Oof no wonder frostfire doesn’t want toxic parse culture, kid is bottom 30% of rogues.

That isn’t me lul. You idiots accuse me of being someone else every other day.

Can’t even find my real alts. Can’t even find my main’s name.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

let’s see your parses then frosst

certainly we could learn something from them?

Nah let’s just look at this clown’s parse:

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Found em


Nope you didn’t :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Oh look, here is a blue parsing lock.


BRO YOU LOST TO A RET. You should uninstall.

You did a parse of 8 on maly.


Until you post your parse you are but a waste of space who’s opinion is worthless


i still cant figure out how to parse on maly tbh

You play a ret. Stop talking in the big boy discussion. You aren’t even really a dps class.

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I mean, read his second paragraph. Did he not call you out, accurately, one after another?

No he didn’t. LUL you clowns think by repeating stupid comments of one another will make me give up or make you win.

That isn’t how life works. And as you can tell by my post count, I’ll be here long after you go to bed and your mom tucks you in.

Imagine thinking linking a parse of someone else bothers me.

I dont’ even care about parses. I’m just making fun of you idiots who think they are good when they have blue parses and 70 average parses.

Good players have 90+ averages. Even dumb streamers have 90+. If you are bragging with 70+ you are a clown.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Ok 8parse rogue.

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Says the ret paladin.

Lets see how rets are doing in WOTLK…

Yikes, almost as bad as warriors. Basically equal to warriors.


I wouldn’t expect someone that parses as low as you to notice this guy is lvl 70.
