Need help figuring out parsing (Demo Lock)

I don’t play on sulfuras or have a female rogue.

I would never play a hideous creature like female undead.

Also, you guys are so dumb you can’t even figure out how your pride and joy website even works.

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Not me so who cares llull :thinking:

At least I can operate a website and understand basic principles.

I bet you have great numbers, champ.

Not me so who cares :slight_smile:

OOF 2 blues

Might want to work on those bosses champ. Also you are pretty low on most bosses. Gotta get up to 99s.

We believe in you.

70.9 median, oof.

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Im not zantherr, champ.

rogues think they are hot stuff now

they are not

You’re just gonna ignore those two 96’s though? Mans did it with a blue helm too.

Yeah when your average is 70.9. Yeah…

I don’t play on sulfuras it can’t be me. I only have one 80.

Your logs are public and horrible.

You should focus on yourself champ :slight_smile:

Yikes, you should ask your guildmate for tips on thaddius

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Grey green parse rogue.

Can you?

That isn’t me, you can link it however much you want. It’ not me so it means nothing.

I play on skyfury you clown :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Lol I would smoke you as Destro.

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OOF, blue parsed

And this is 100% you. Did you forget where your shadowbolt button was?


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I’d smoke you in PVP or PVE. In PVP you’d be taking a long dirt nap.

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Blue > grey

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Hahahaha! Gottem.

You keep linking other people’s logs, while I link yours. Embarassing.

I’m sure your guild mate would give you tips if you asked. Dont’ be shy.

Man I love your meltdowns every time you get outed.