The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Evidence of OP being a toxic parse shamer.


It seems weird that you make a thread like this after you’ve spent the evening parse-shaming people (which isn’t even allowed as per the forum CoC).

You seem to care about parses a lot, people who do not care don’t use them to attack others.

Of course you’re just trolling again.


You can’t really control how people play. Blizzard has a hard enough time controlling their community.

Just let people play the game how they enjoy it and just focus on yourself?

Live and let live.


You are the biggest hypocritic you talk about the toxicity of logs but then in another forum post, you are judging ppl based on the logs.

How’s about you start posting on your lvl 80 and put your money where your big mouth is!


Oh in more shock news, if you click Frosstfire profile you get “this profile is hidden”

You good sir are a waste of space!


OP makes a thread about parse culture being toxic and then parse shames another poster minutes later.


I mean, it’s Frosstfire. There’s a very strong chance anything they’re complaining about is truly a them problem.


No I think it makes it a lot better and gives raids a lot of replay value by allowing players to set personal goal to try and improve on themselves.

Shaming it is toxic


Most people i’ve seen here shaming others for their parses are usually alts or retail avatars with no logs. Burning people on their parses are lukewarm at best.


I just have a toddler following on these forums.


If the content was as easy as you say it is you wouldn’t have grey parses lil bro

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Prove I have grey parses? I play on Skyfury and am an undead male.

I’ll wait…

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I think parses are what you make of them. I like them to see how I can improve. Other people use them as a way to suggest someone else is somehow inferior to them in life, and that’s kinda sad.

Maybe you should work on that.


Yeah like your friends on this forum. They should be ashamed and you too.

lil bro is still trying to hide the fact he is Xzzy on Sulfuras lol


I told you I play on Skyfury. lilbro you need to listen. Open those big dopy ears.

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You have already admitted to being Xzzy it is up to you to prove you are not. No one is going to believe anything you say to try to cover up the truth :100: accept it.

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I didn’t but continue to be an idiot.

I’m just laughing at how many times you guys think you find my alt. This is like the 5th alt you claim I have that I don’t.

I do have alt rogues on other servers like benediction (both sides), Jom Gabbar (killed a lot of alliance), Faerlina, and Grobbulus.

None on sulfuras.


I’m like the master at getting you guys so riled up you try and find my alts. It’s fun to watch clowns try and stalk me online. You guys couldn’t stalk a fridge magnet on your own fridge.


Another attempt to cover up the truth without providing any evidence. YOU ARE Xzzy and there is nothing to be ashamed of. (except the grey parses)


I’m like the master at getting you guys so riled up you try and find my alts and main. It’s fun to watch clowns try and stalk me online. You guys couldn’t stalk a fridge magnet on your own fridge.

Just give up it’s actually embarrassing for you.

I’m never going to tell you my main’s name. It’s not happening.